ENISA attending the FIRST international incident response conference
ENISA is making presentations both in the policy, and technical foundation track at the international FIRST conference taking place in Thailand (16-21 June), under the conference heading, "Incident response: Sharing to win".
Networking with Member States
ENISA's National Liaison Officers (NLO) met in Athens on 13th February, with 17 participants from EU Member States coming together to discuss collaboration with the Agency.
Want to join ENISA's Advisory Group? Call for Experts is now Open!
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity launches a new call for expression of interest for experts to become members of the Advisory Group.
ENISA welcomes its new Advisory Group
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) finalised the selection procedure for the new members of the group.
2018 Cyber Europe planners meet with ENISA
The final planning conference for Cyber Europe 2018 Cyber Exercise was hosted by ENISA on 7 and 8 March 2018 at Athens.
A constructive and forward looking Permanent Stakeholder Group meeting
ENISA Permanent Stakeholder Group (PSG) met ENISA senior management on 22 and 23 October 2018 at the Agency’s premises in Athens.
Cybersecurity Policy Challenges on the Agenda of the European Parliament Delegation Visit to ENISA
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) welcomed the visit of Members of the European Parliament’s committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) to discuss current cybersecurity challenges and latest policy developments.
First 2018 meeting of ENISA National Liaison Officers Network
On 30 January, the National Liaison Officers (NLO) Network of ENISA met for the first time in 2018 at the Agency’s headquarters in Athens, Greece.