Is the EU Healthcare Sector Cyber Healthy? The Conclusions of Cyber Europe 2022
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) releases the after action report of the 2022 edition of Cyber Europe, the cybersecurity exercise testing the resilience of the European Healthcare sector.
Visit to ENISA by the Agency's Management Board Chair and Vice-Chair
In advance of the ENISA Management Board meeting in Athens on the 4th July, ENISA was pleased to welcome today, the Chair of its Management Board, Jean-Baptiste Demaison, and the Vice-Chair, Krzysztof Silicki.
National Liaison Officers Network of ENISA has first meeting in 2019
ENISA today hosted the first meeting in 2019 of its National Liaison Officers Network (NLO) in Athens, Greece.
ENISA welcomes Minister Pierrakakis
Today ENISA, the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity welcomed the Greek Minister of Digital Governance, Kyriakos Pierrakakis and the Secretary General of Telecommunications & Posts at the Ministry of Digital Governance, Antonis Tzortzakakis.
ENISA organises workshop on Cyber Insurance
ENISA is organising a work meeting with industry representatives to validate the findings and recommendations of its upcoming study on Cyber Insurance.
European Cyber Security Month - ENISA ED Austrian media briefing
ENISA Executive Director, Professor Udo Helmbrecht, today (11th July 2013) took part in a special media briefing on the forthcoming European Cyber Security Month (ECSM). The event was organised in Vienna by Digital Austria - the coordination and…
ENISA meets cyber-experts to plan Cyber Europe 2018
ENISA, the EU cybersecurity agency has hosted the main planning conference for Cyber Europe 2018, the most important cybersecurity exercise in the European Union.