Cybersecurity for 5G: ENISA Releases Report on Security Controls in 3GPP
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) provides authorities with technical guidance on the 5G Toolbox measure for security requirements in existing 5G standards.
The Netherlands - Cyber Security Assessment published
The English version of the fourth Cyber security Assessment in the Netherlands has been published.
Securing the cyber-frontline: ENISA report highlights need for cooperation
ENISA's work to enhance cybersecurity is highlighted in its updated report, Cybersecurity cooperation - defending the digital frontline.
New report on Supply Chain Integrity launched
Supply chain integrity (SCI) in the ICT industry is a topic that is receiving attention from both the public and private sectors (i.e. vendors, infrastructure owners, operators, etc.) as part of a wider review of supply chain control, and the…
The EU Cybersecurity Act’s first anniversary: one step closer to a cyber secure Europe
The CSA has put the conversation of Cybersecurity into action through a stronger ENISA and the creation of the EU cybersecurity certification framework.
New paper on cyber security strategies
In a constantly changing cyber environment, EU Member States need to have flexible and dynamic cyber security strategies to meet new, global threats.
IoT Security: ENISA Publishes Guidelines on Securing the IoT Supply Chain
Report addresses the entire lifespan of Internet of Thing (IoT) product development by offering security measures for each step.
Cybersecurity is a key enabler for Industry 4.0 adoption
ENISA today publishes a study on good practices for IoT security, with a focus on smart manufacturing and Industry 4.0.
Annual Cybersecurity Assessment 2017 of Estonian Information System Authority (RIA)
The Estonian Information System Authority (RIA) recently published the agency's 2017 cybersecurity report in English.
An ENISA perspective on Electronic Trust Services (eIDAS) by Udo Helmbrecht at SECURE 2014
The Executive Director Udo Helmbrecht gave an “ENISA perspective on Electronic Trust Services (eIDAS)” on October 22nd at the Secure 2014 Conference in Warsaw.