ENISA proposes guidance to secure critical assets and data exchange for Intelligent Public Transport in Smart Cities.
The Netherlands - Cyber Security Assessment now available in English
The key findings from the Cyber Security Assessment Netherlands (CSAN), presented to the House of Representatives by State Secretary Dijkhoff in October, and are now available in English.
New cyber security information service launched today by ENISA
ENISA launched today its new cyber security information service “Cyber Security Info Notes” with the aim to provide timely key information and recommendations on cyber security topics and incidents.
The state of Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities 2018-2019
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity, ENISA organises a joint workshop with CERT-EU, computer emergency response team for the EU Institutions, Bodies and Agencies to share information on key cybersecurity activities.
EU Boost against cyberattacks: EU Agency for Cybersecurity welcomes proposal for the Joint Cyber Unit
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity welcomes the European Commission proposal to launch the new Joint Cyber Unit which will act as a platform to ensure an EU coordinated response to large-scale cyber incidents and crises.
Improving Communication and Information Sharing Across Incident Response Communities
ENISA publishes a report to guide incident response teams forming a community to choose secure communications solutions.
Annual report Trust Services Security Incidents 2018
ENISA releases its annual report on trust services security incidents.
Dive into the Deep Sea: A View of the Subsea Cable Ecosystem
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) publishes a report on the subsea cable ecosystem and highlights today’s major cybersecurity challenges.
If your toothbrush calls you, it might not be for dental hygiene: the importance of securing the Internet of Things
Second ENISA-Europol conference tackles security challenges of IoT