Joint fight against COVID-19 related threats
ENISA maps the Threat Landscape for Internet Infrastructure in 2014 and provides a Good Practice Guide for enhanced security
ENISA’s Threat Landscape and Good Practice Guide for Internet Infrastructure published today, maps the assets composing an Internet infrastructure and the applicable threats, giving an overview of emerging trends, and providing adapted security…
Uniting to raise awareness on Cyber Threats: European Cybersecurity Month 2021
EU National Telecom Authorities analyse Security Supervision and Latest Security Threats
Cyber-threats in focus at German national cybersecurity conference, Potsdam
European Cyber Security Month: United against Cyber Security Threats
October 2017 is European Cyber Security Month and this year marks the 5th year anniversary of the European Cyber Security Month campaign.
Energy: cyber security is crucial for protection against threats for smart grids which are key for energy availability claims EU cyber security Agency in new report
Telecom Security Forum: National Authorities and Telecom Regulators Analyse Policy Implementation & Current Cyber Threats
Organised this week in Brussels by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), the Telecom Security Forum allowed policy-makers, regulators and service providers to discuss the cybersecurity challenges faced today by the EU Telecom…
Defining and securing the Internet of Things: ENISA publishes a study on how to face cyber threats in critical information infrastructures
Today, the EU Cybersecurity Agency ENISA publishes a report on the Security of the Internet of Things (IoT).