Access everywhere-secure nowhere?
EU–Agency ENISA launches Position Paper on mobile eID security issues.
Mobile eID-for better or for worse? Your mobile is fast becoming your new PC, wallet, identity card, but is it secure? The EU Agency ENISA (the European Network and Information…
Business' at risk
Is your business prepared for network and information security threats?
ENISA report on Business and IT Service Continuity provides global perspective on emerging and existing standards for mitigating security risks to critical processes
eHealth Conference: Sector Matures in terms of Cybersecurity but not fast enough
Organised with the support of the Danish Health Data Authority, the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) hosted the 7th eHealth conference on the latest developments in policy and emerging challenges of the evolving threat landscape.
Safeguarding EU elections amidst cybersecurity challenges
Preluding 2024 EU elections, the NIS Cooperation Group with the support of the EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), the European Commission and the European External Action Service updated the compendium on elections cybersecurity.
Cyber Europe 2024: Unveiling key insights from the cyber exercise that tested the cybersecurity of EU’s energy sector
The after action report provides an overview of the 2024 edition of the Cyber Europe exercise which was conducted in June and aimed at identifying gaps and increasing cybersecurity preparedeness and resilience.
Instantly online-17 golden rules for mobile social networks
Instantly online-17 golden rules to combat online risks and for safer surfing mobile social networks
The EU ‘cyber security’ Agency - ENISA (the European Network and Information Security Agency) today presents a new report on accessing social…
European research and development priorities in cybersecurity
A new ENISA report aims to identify the cybersecurity threats to European society and to identify priorities in research that will lead to mitigations before those cybersecurity threats materialise.
Facing the cyber-zombies – EU Agency gets tough on Botnets
The EU’s ‘cyber security’ Agency, ENISA today published a comprehensive study on the botnet threat (networks of ordinary computers controlled by cybercriminals),and how to address it. The report looks at the reliability of botnet size estimates and…
Securing smart cars today; for safer autonomous cars tomorrow
ENISA publishes a study on the "Cyber security and resilience of smart cars". The report identifies good practices and recommendations to ensure the security of smart cars against cyber threats.
7th Cybersecurity Forum: Power grids cybersecurity ascending to prominence
The Association of European Distribution System Operators (E.DSO), the European Energy Information Sharing and Analysis Centre (EE-ISAC), the European Network for Cyber Security (ENCS) and the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA)…