ENISA statement related to the recent Internet Explorer vulnerability
In relation to the warnings of Microsoft on Sunday, of a previously unknown vulnerability in all supported versions of Internet Explorer being exploited, affecting all supported versions of IE, and allows them to secretly hijack vulnerable computers…
Joint Statement on Ivanti Connect Secure and Ivanti Policy Secure Vulnerabilities
Assessment and advice on recovery and mitigating actions.
Log4j vulnerability - update from the CSIRTs Network
The EU CSIRTs Network has been closely following the development of the Log4Shell situation since 10 December 2021.
Joint Statement on Log4Shell
Assessment and advice on the Log4j vulnerability.
Updated ENISA 5G Threat Landscape Report to Enhance 5G Security
ENISA releases updated 5G threat assessment report to enhance cybersecurity of 5G by identifying vulnerabilities and proposing corresponding technical 5G security controls.
New Light Shed on Capabilities in Energy & Healthcare
A new report released today by the EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) showcases the product vulnerability management landscape, unveiling challenges faced by sectoral CSIRTs and PSIRTs.
Supporting Policy Developments to Achieve a High Common Level of Cybersecurity
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) organised its first ever cybersecurity policy conference together with the European Commission to discuss the evolution of the EU cybersecurity policy framework.
Navigating cybersecurity investments in the time of NIS 2
The latest report of the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) aims to support policy makers in assessing the impact of the current EU cybersecurity framework, and particularly the NIS 2 Directive, on cybersecurity investments and the…