Developing National Vulnerabilities Programmes
Based on the experiences and perspectives gathered from industry players and national governments, as well as on the documentation developed by multiple actors involved with national vulnerability initiatives and programmes, the EU Coordinated…
Recommendations on aligning research programme with policy
The scope of this report is to review existing analysis reports on EU funded Trust and Security Projects, summarize achievements that have significantly promoted specific pillars of NIS, identify and summarize specific outcomes that can promote and…
Cloud Cybersecurity Market Analysis
The present European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) report is an analysis of the cloud cybersecurity market, planned for in ENISA’s Work Programme 2022 ( ) under activity O.7.1., ‘Market analysis on the main trends in the cybersecurity…
Another step forward towards responsible vulnerability disclosure in Europe
The EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) expands its support to EU CSIRTs for Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure and is now authorised as a Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) Numbering Authority.
Cybersecurity Resilience and Market Conference
For A Trusted and Cyber Secure Europe
Cybersecurity Market Analysis Framework
The ENISA Cybersecurity Market Analysis Framework is a “cookbook” on how EU cybersecurity market analyses can be performed. is the cornerstone of ENISA activities in analysing the EU cybersecurity market, as it is used within ENISA to scope,…
Research and Innovation
Promoting targeted R&I of cybersecurity technology and solutions that actually meet the needs and priorities to protect the Union from cyber threats.