Through this report, ENISA aims to enhance stakeholder awareness, facilitate risk analysis in evolving threat landscapes, and bolster trustworthiness in remote identity proofing methods.
Gaps in NIS standardisation - Recommendations for improving NIS in EU standardisation policy
This report recommends that the European Commission, with the support of the Member States, pursuant to the NIS Directive, adopt a standards based framework for the exchange of threat and defensive measure information that impacts the functioning of…
Remote Identity Proofing - Attacks & Countermeasures
Remote identity proofing is a crucial element in creating trust for digital services. The present study analyses the collection and validation of evidence provided by the applicant to complete the verification of his or her identity. More…
Security of Mobile Payments and Digital Wallets
The primary objective of this paper is the production of guidelines to assist mobile payment developers and mobile payment providers towards recommended security controls which if implemented would help ensure that consumers, retailers and financial…
Towards a Digital Single Market for NIS Products and Services
The objective of this report is to assess the current NIS market in the EU from an economic and technical standpoint, in view of the DSM and its future demands for protection. It primarily focuses on the European market’s characteristics,…
2nd ENISA Cybersecurity Market Analysis Conference
On the 28th and 29th of September, ENISA is organising the 2nd Cybersecurity Market Analysis Conference.
Annual Privacy Forum 2023
ENISA, DG Connect and INRIA are organizing the Annual Privacy Forum (APF) 2023 as a hybrid event in Lyon.
Research and Innovation
Promoting targeted R&I of cybersecurity technology and solutions that actually meet the needs and priorities to protect the Union from cyber threats.