The report outlines the trends of web application attacks and provides guidelines to mitigate them
ENISA Threat Landscape 2020 - Web-based attacks
The report offers an overview of the web-based attacks, provides a compendium of trends and identifies attack vectors. A series of proposed actions for mitigation is provided.
ENISA Threat Landscape 2020 - Distributed denial of service
The report outlines the findings on ddos attacks, provides a description and analysis of the domain and lists relevant recent incidents. A series of proposed actions for mitigation is provided.
Ad-hoc & sensor networking for M2M Communications - Threat Landscape and Good Practice Guide
ENISA Threat Landscape 2020 - Physical manipulation/ damage/ theft/ loss
The report provides an overview of physical tampering, damage, theft and loss of devices and outlines security practices, trends and findings. It also lists proposed actions for mitigation
Reporting on Threathunt 2030: Navigating the future of the cybersecurity threat landscape
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) organised the 2024 edition of the ‘Threathunt 2030’ in Athens, the flagship conference on cybersecurity threats foresight.
Foresight Challenges
Skills shortage and unpatched systems soar to high-ranking 2030 cyber threats
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) publishes the executive summary of this year’s ‘Foresight Cybersecurity Threats for 2030’ presenting an overview of key findings in the top 10 ranking.
Threathunt 2030: How to Hunt Down Emerging & Future Cyber Threats
ENISA conference - Threathunt 2030
2024 edition of the Threathunt 2030 conference, the ENISA flagship conference focused on the emerging cybersecurity threats of the future and on how the Union and Member States can best foresee, identify, prevent and respond to future challenges…