Aspects of Cooperation between CSIRTs and LE - Handbook 2021
This training material is an updated version of the training material Aspects of Cooperation between CSIRT and LE - Handbook, Document for trainers3, that was developed based particularly on the ENISA 2020 Report on CSIRT-LE Cooperation.
Aspects of Cooperation between CSIRTs and LE - Toolset 2021
This training material is an updated version of the ENISA training material Aspects of Cooperation between CSIRT and LE - Toolset, Document for trainees3, that was developed based particularly on the ENISA 2020 Report on CSIRT-LE Cooperation.
NIS Directive and national CSIRTs
This is an informative note on what provisions of the upcoming NIS Directive might mean for CSIRTs. It contains references to parts of the Directive, and some comments and proposals from our side. By no means we consider this document fix or final,…
An overview on enhancing technical cooperation between CSIRTs and LE
This report aims to support the cooperation between CSIRTs - in particular, national and governmental CSIRTs, LEAs and the Judiciary – in particular, prosecutors and judges, in their fight against cybercrime, by providing information on the…
Maturity Reference for CSIRTs – Executive Summary
The target audience for this study is primarily the middle management layer in the CSIRTs, responsible for increasing the team’s maturity. The study will help them to more easily and quickly implement real maturity improvement, following self-…
Study on CSIRT landscape and IR capabilities in Europe 2025
The objective of this study is to help ENISA identify and draw conclusions about the recent and current evolution of CSIRTs and IR capabilities in Europe towards 2025. Building on the existing knowledge gathered in the European CSIRT inventory, this…
CSIRT Capabilities in Healthcare Sector
An attack directed at a critical infrastructure, such as a hospital, can lead to physical damages and put the lives of patients at risk. Therefore, there is a need for solid Incident Response Capabilities (IRC) in the health sector, in particular…
ENISA’s CSIRT-related capacity building activities
This report represents the update of an impact assessment of ENISA’s support to CSIRTs in 2014. This updated assessment serves as a basis for a proposed roadmap to 2020.
The impact of the ENISA support to the CSIRT community was assessed from a dual…
Tools and Methodologies to Support Cooperation between CSIRTs and Law Enforcement
This report aims to support the cooperation between CSIRTs - in particular national/governmental CSIRTs - and LEAs in their fight against cybercrime, by providing information on the framework and on the technical aspects of the cooperation,…
Improving Cooperation between CSIRTs and Law Enforcement: Legal and Organisational Aspects
This report aims to support the cooperation between CSIRTs - in particular national/governmental CSIRTs - and LEAs in their fight against cybercrime, by providing information on the legal and organisational aspects, identifying current shortcomings…