Artificial Intelligence: an opportunity for cyber-crisis management in the EU
On 3 and 4 June 2019, the EU Agency for Cybersecurity, ENISA organised a conference in Athens, which focused on the future of the EU cyber-crisis management. The advantages and challenges were identified, particularly where the use of artificial…
25th Meeting of the Cybersecurity Working Group of the European Banking Federation
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) co-hosted yesterday the 25th meeting of the cybersecurity working group of the European Banking Federation (EBF)
ENISA discusses cyber challenges of the digital transformation
ENISA was at the Connected Citizens’ Summit today, June 21st, in Amsterdam with key figures from the public and private sphere, discussing on the digital transformation from smart cities, cybersecurity, and energy efficiency to e-health.
Agency Computer Emergency Response Teams Workshop in Czech Republic announced
The 6th Agency workshop for 'Digital Fire-brigades', i.e. the Computer Emergency Response Teams will take in the Czech Republic on 3-4th. Oct, 2011.
Standards flying: improving the recognition of ICT security standards
ENISA publishes a report that provides an assessment on the maturity of the implementation of the European Cyber Security Standardisation activities in the EU Member States with respect to the NIS Directive.
ENISA Leads Cybersecurity Seminar for the Hellenic Ministry of Digital Governance
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity delivered Infodays for the National Cybersecurity Authority (NCA) of the Hellenic Ministry of Digital Governance to increase the country’s cybersecurity capacity.
The EU Agency for Cybersecurity welcomes its new Executive Director: Mr. Juhan Lepassaar
ENISA not only celebrates the nomination of its new Executive Director, but also 15 years of successfully keeping Europe cyber secure. The Management Board of ENISA designated Mr. Juhan Lepassaar in July and he started his duties today.