The mission of the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) is to achieve a high common level of cybersecurity across the Union. We aim to be a centre of expertise on cybersecurity, collecting and providing independent, high quality…
Cyber Europe 2024 - After Action Report
The after action report provides an overview of the 2024 edition of the Cyber Europe exercise which was conducted in June and aimed at identifying gaps and increasing cybersecurity preparedeness and resilience.
Cyber Europe 2012 - Key Findings Report
Cyber Europe was the biggest pan-European cyber security exercise to date. This report gives the key findings from ENISA.
Incentives and barriers of the cyber insurance market in Europe
ENISA conducted a study identifying possible causes inhibiting the cyber-insurance market in Europe and investigating incentives to kick –start its development. The Study analyses the structure and the characteristics of the market and includes a…
Cyber Europe 2016: After Action Report
Cyber Europe 2016 was the fourth pan-European cyber crisis exercise organised by
the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA). Over 1 000
participants working mostly in the ICT sector, from public and private organisations…
Cyber Europe 2022: After Action Report
Findings from a PAN-EUROPEAN
cyber crisis Exercise
ENISA Cyber Europe 2014 - After Action Report
ENISA's After Action Report of the pan-European cybersecurity exercise Cyber Europe 2014 (CE2014) was approved by the EU Member States and gives a high-level overview of the complex cybersecurity exercise that was carried out in 2014. The full…
Cyber Europe 2018 - After Action Report
ENISA has compiled all the information gathered during the exercise and produced an after-action report, identifying challenges and main takeaways, and making useful recommendations for the participants.
Cyber Hygiene
This report looks at the leading cyber hygiene programs across the European Union and drills down into a selection of Small – Medium Enterprises to establish their understanding and engagement with the national strategies. Based on the information…