EU Agency analysis of ‘Stuxnet’ malware: a paradigm shift in threats and Critical Information Infrastructure Protection
The EU ‘cyber security’ Agency ENISA, i.e. the European Network and Information Security Agency, has produced an initial comment and brief, high level analysis of the recent ‘Stuxnet’ attacks; on its importance, and its technical implications for…
Web security: EU cyber-security Agency ENISA flags security fixes for new web standards/HTML5
Web security: EU cyber-security Agency ENISA flags security fixes for new web standards/HTML5
Cyber security key for the successful adoption of mobile payments
ENISA publishes good practices and recommendations for payment providers and financial institutions following an analysis of the security of mobile payments and digital wallets.
30 new top cyber security advisors appointed to the EU Agency ENISA’s Permanent Stakeholders’ Group
New Permanent Stakeholders’ Group (PSG) of top IT-security advisors appointed.
EU cyber security Agency ENISA argues that better protection of SCADA Systems is needed
How long can we afford having critical infrastructures that use unpatched SCADA systems, the EU’s cyber security Agency ENISA asks? ENISA argues that the EU Member States could proactively deploy patch management to enhance the security of SCADA…
ENISA conference - Threathunt 2030
2024 edition of the Threathunt 2030 conference, the ENISA flagship conference focused on the emerging cybersecurity threats of the future and on how the Union and Member States can best foresee, identify, prevent and respond to future challenges…
EU efforts called to avoid a 'digital 9/11'
ENISA: Concerted EU efforts are needed to avoid a ‘digital 9/11’ and combat cyber threats
ENISA, the EU Agency for European Network and Information Security, today highlighted key online security issues in Europe, showcasing how it helps to counter…
In focus: Status report 2012 on Computer Emergency Response Teams baseline capabilities launched by EU Agency ENISA
The EU’s cyber security agency ENISA has launched two new reports: 1. The Status Report 2012 for CERTs which provides a state-of-play overview of national/governmental CERTs’ capabilities (n/g CERTs) and concludes that the key challenge is the…
BLUE OLEX 2023: Getting Ready for the Next Cybersecurity Crisis in the EU
Together with the European Commission under the Spanish Presidency of the EU Council, the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) co-organised and co-hosted the Blue Olex table-top cyber exercise in the Hague, Netherlands