From transparency to trust in the Cloud: EU Cyber security Agency ENISA advises how to implement incident reporting in cloud computing
Significant increase in cyber threats to critical services and infrastructures calls for enhanced cooperation among private and public sector stakeholders
With its study on critical information infrastructures (CIIs), ENISA analyses current CIIP practices and governance models deployed across EU Member States.
National coordinators meet to prepare for ECSM launch
New chapter begins as ENISA celebrates 20 years of strengthening cybersecurity
Greek Minister of Digital Governance, Dimitrios Papastergiou joined the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) on the occasion of celebrating the 20 years since its establishment and the ENISA Management Board voted to extend a second…
The NIS2 directive highlights the importance of bolstering cybersecurity in the transport sector to protect critical infrastructure across aviation, maritime, rail, and road transport.
ENISA calls for better data sharing and interoperability among “Digital Fire Brigades” to mitigate cyber attacks in new report; “Detect, SHARE, Protect”
Securing smart cars today; for safer autonomous cars tomorrow
Emerging technologies make it easier to phish
Support Action Programme
The ENISA Cybersecurity Support Action serves to enable the provision of cybersecurity services to help Member States reinforce their preparedness (ex-ante) and response (ex-post) capabilities.
2018 CEF Telecom Call– €13 million to reinforce the EU's Cybersecurity capacity
The European Commission calls for proposals under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) to reinforce the EU's cybersecurity capacity, with up to €13 million available in grant funding, open until the 22 November 2018.