With the COVID-19 outbreak, many SMEs, businesses and citizens had to make a giant leap into the online world. Europeans can count on more than 500 Computer Incident Response Teams (CSIRT) to respond to cyber security incidents and attacks and,…
ENISA at EIF meeting on Trust & Cybersecurity
ENISA's Head of Stakeholder Relations and Administration Paulo Empadinhas, was at the EIF meeting on ‘Trust & Cyber-security’ on May 24th 2016 in Brussels, presenting public authorities' support for trust in the information society and cyber…
Reinforced role for ENISA in the Digital Agenda
Reinforced role for ENISA in a renewed regulation, with a more active role in CERTs, Trust and Security, and in cyber crime prevention.
The 5th CERT workshop
Computer Emergency Response Teams - CERTs or the so called ‘digital fire brigades’ in colloquial terms, are operationally managing the response to cyber attacks. As such, they are crucial for Europe. ENISA has successfully been supporting the build…
ENISA wins award for Excellence in innovation-transformation at EU Ombudsman Award for Good Administration
The EU’s Agency for cyber security, ENISA, received the EU Ombudsman Award for Good Administration for Excellence in Innovation – Transformation at the ceremony which took place today Thursday 30th March, in Brussels.
Healthcare’s Cybersecurity Incident Response Spotlighted at European Security Event
The EU Agency for Cybersecurity and the Danish Health Data Authority are joining forces again this month, introducing the final session of the 2020 eHealth Security Conference to examine incident response procedures across Europe’s health system.
ENISA welcomes the EU Cybersecurity Strategy and Agency’s proposed tasks
The new EU Cybersecurity Strategy will bring tasks and responsibilities for ENISA to help Europe become a resilient, technological sovereign leader in cyberspace.
ESAs and ENISA sign a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen cooperation and information exchange
The European Supervisory Authorities (EBA, EIOPA, and ESMA - the ESAs) today announced that they have concluded a multilateral Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to strengthen cooperation and information exchange with the European Union Agency for…
European Cybersecurity Skills Conference: Intensifying our efforts to close the cybersecurity skills gap in the EU
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) in collaboration with the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU organised the 3rd edition of the European Cybersecurity Skills Conference.