Experts from eIDAS supervisory bodies discussed recent security incidents, and exchanged information on trust services security and incident reporting at two-day expert meeting.
Privacy and eID
Citizen data protection in focus - ENISA on privacy in national eID cards: Europe needs a strategy
The EU Agency ENISA [the European Network and Information Security Agency] today launched its Position Paper on security features in European eID…
ENISA launches information security awareness videos in 23 European languages
ENISA launches information security awareness videos in 23 European languages
Annual report Trust Services Security Incidents 2018
ENISA releases its annual report on trust services security incidents.
Taking Care of Health Data
A new report of the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) explores how pseudonymisation techniques can help increase the protection of health data.
Hurrah for Denmark, Top Winner of the 2022 European Cybersecurity Challenge
The 8th edition of the ECSC concludes successfully, especially for the top three winners of the competition with Denmark in first place, Germany in second place and France in third place. The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) warmly…
European Cybersecurity Month: Test your Skills with a Quiz
The second theme of the European Cybersecurity Month (ECSM): “Cyber First Aid” is launched today and introduces guidelines in case one falls victim of a cyberattacks.
World class experts to Permanent Stakeholders’ Group wanted
Do you have what it takes in cyber security skills, expertise and competence to be one of the world-class experts advising ENISA?
Call for expression of interest for the Advisory Group
The Executive Director of the EU Agency for Cybersecurity opens a call for expression of interest for membership of the Advisory Group.
Virtual Worlds - Real Money
Multiplayer online gamers ‘soft target’ for cybercriminals - EU Agency report warns.
Serious real-world money locked up in the 1.5 Bn Eur virtual goods market is leading to a wave of malware threatening ca 1 Bn users worldwide. The EU Agency’s…