Industry 4.0 - Cybersecurity Challenges and Recommendations
In this short paper ENISA provides identifies the main challenges to the adoption of the security measures and security of Industry 4.0 and Industrial IoT. Moreover, ENISA lists high-level recommendations to different stakeholder groups in order to…
Good Practices for Security of Internet of Things in the context of Smart Manufacturing
This ENISA study aims at addressing the security and privacy challenges related to the evolution of industrial systems and services precipitated by the introduction of IoT innovations. The main objectives were to collect good practices to ensure…
ENISA is setting the ground for Industry 4.0 Cybersecurity
The EU Agency for Cybersecurity ENISA is stepping up its efforts to foster cybersecurity for Industry 4.0 by publishing a new paper on ‘Challenges and Recommendations for Industry 4.0 Cybersecurity’ .
Cybersecurity is a key enabler for Industry 4.0 adoption
ENISA today publishes a study on good practices for IoT security, with a focus on smart manufacturing and Industry 4.0.
First ‘Industry 4.0’ event to introduce national cybersecurity initiatives to deliver industry transformation across Europe
Representatives from France, Germany and the UK will gather on 5 December in Brussels for a high-level private breakfast.
ENISA Industry Event 2018: Certification, IoT and Collaboration
The first Industry Event of 2018 was organised on 24 April by the EU Cybersecurity Agency ENISA in Brussels, Belgium.
IoT Security: ENISA Publishes Guidelines on Securing the IoT Supply Chain
Report addresses the entire lifespan of Internet of Thing (IoT) product development by offering security measures for each step.
Your must-have IoT security checklist: ENISA’s online tool for IoT and Smart Infrastructures Security
ENISA releases today an online tool aimed at guiding IoT operators and industries of IoT and Smart Infrastructure when conducting risk assessments.
ENISA at CODE conference: we need to build on trust and security for a connected world
ENISA participated at the 3rd annual meeting of the Research Centre of Cyber Defence (CODE) which took place at the University of the Bundeswehr on the 15th and 16th June, 2016.
ENISA discusses cyber challenges of the digital transformation
ENISA was at the Connected Citizens’ Summit today, June 21st, in Amsterdam with key figures from the public and private sphere, discussing on the digital transformation from smart cities, cybersecurity, and energy efficiency to e-health.