Planning of the 1st Pan European CIIP exercise on time
A team of planners from dedicated Member States (DK, FI, FR, HU, IT, PT, SE, UK) with the contribution of staff from ENISA and the Joint Research Centre (JRC), presented to the plenary, 22 participating countries, the draft proposals for exercise…
Largest cyber security exercise “Cyber Europe 2012’’ report published in 23 languages
ENISA has published the new report of the largest ever pan-Europe cyber security exercise, Cyber Europe 2012, which is available in 23 languages. Almost 600 individual players participated, including actors from the private sector (financial,…
ENISA works together with European semiconductor industry on key cybersecurity areas
The uptake of connected devices and services demands baseline requirements for security and privacy and the efficient application of EU standards.
New Tool is another step towards securing the Digital Future of SMEs
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) announces the creation of the “SecureSME Tool”. A practical and user-friendly tool facilitating SMEs to navigate to ENISA’s tips, guidelines and recommendation.
Volatile Geopolitics Shake the Trends of the 2022 Cybersecurity Threat Landscape
With the geopolitical context giving rise to cyberwarfare and hacktivism, alarming cyber operations and malignant cyberattacks have altered the trends of the 10th edition of the Threat Landscape report released today by the European Union Agency…
Encrypted Traffic Analysis: Use Cases & Security Challenges
The EU Agency for Cybersecurity explores encrypted traffic analysis’ use cases and identifies security challenges & opportunities
NIS Directive has Positive Effect, though Study Finds Gaps in Cybersecurity Investment Exist
New ENISA study examining cybersecurity spending states that 82% of Operators of Essential Services and Digital Services Providers find that the NIS Directive has a positive effect. However, gaps in investment still exist. When comparing…
ENISA and BEREC join forces to discuss the cybersecurity landscape of IoT and 5G
On 7 March 2018 in Bratislava, ENISA and BEREC held a workshop on 5G and the Internet of Things, to outline the related security issues and discuss 5G implications of development of new services.