Going to the market for Cybersecurity Market Analysis
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) organised its first conference on cybersecurity market analysis last week for EU cybersecurity market stakeholders to share experiences and initiate the debate on how to best perform EU…
Resilience of eCommunication systems : upgrade
A Data Collection Framework on security incidents - a way to increase resilience of eCommunication systems in Europe?
The 5th CERT workshop
Computer Emergency Response Teams - CERTs or the so called ‘digital fire brigades’ in colloquial terms, are operationally managing the response to cyber attacks. As such, they are crucial for Europe. ENISA has successfully been supporting the build…
Article 13a Meeting in Athens and Updated Technical Guidelines
This week the 14th Article 13a meeting took place, hosted by ADAE, the Greek regulator for electronic communications security. The meeting was held in Athens, and was joined by experts from ENISA, the European Commission, and about 30 experts…
Cyber Insurance: A look at recent advances, good practices and challenges by ENISA
ENISA recognising the growing need of insurance companies and customers alike, developed a report, focusing on key developments, challenges, and an insurers’ pre-policy risk assessment.
Cybersecurity Certification: breaking new ground
This year the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), has returned with its recurrent Cybersecurity Certification Conference.
Agency Position on the Industry Proposal re: a Privacy Impact Assessment for RFID
Agency Position on the Industry Proposal re: a Privacy and Data Protection Impact Assessment Framework for RFID Applications
AR London event
Excellent feedback to the ENISA Awareness Raising event hosted by Thomson Reuters.
The London meeting on 19th of June has received first-rate responses on joint efforts both in awareness and information value. A brand new AR video campaign has been…
5th eHealth Security Conference: ENISA advises on cybersecurity for hospitals
ENISA, the EU Agency for Cybersecurity organised the 5th consecutive eHealth Security Conference in cooperation with the Spanish Authorities and the Centre for Information Security of Catalonia (CESICAT) on the 30th October in Barcelona.
ENISA AI Threat Landscape Report Unveils Major Cybersecurity Challenges
New report maps the assets and threats of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and sets a baseline for securing the AI ecosystem across Europe.