OTT Security & Resilience: ENISA Launches a New Survey
Survey to identify the risks, mitigation measures and COVID-19 factors affecting Over-The-Top communications and collaboration services across the EU.
Telecom & Trust Services Incidents in 2021: Over-The-Top (OTT) Challenges Emerging
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) releases today the 2021 incident reports on telecom and trust services.
EU Telecom Security Authorities discuss the challenges of Over-the-top Communications Services Supervision
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity hosted the 34th meeting of the European Competent Authorities for Secure Electronic Communications (ECASEC).
Security supervision changes in the new EU telecoms legislation
ENISA, the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity analyses the main changes for telecom security supervision under the new European Electronic Communication Code (EECC).
EU Electronic Communications Security Authorities Discussion on Incident reports and Policy
ENISA hosted the 33rd meeting of European Competent Authorities for Secure Electronic Communications (ECASEC). The group is comprised of EU authorities on security of electronic communications, formerly known as the ENISA Article 13a group.
ENISA Report Highlights Resilience of Telecom Sector in Facing the Pandemic
ENISA is releasing its ‘Telecom Security During a Pandemic’ report at the 32nd meeting of EU telecom security authorities. Underlining the current strength of the sector in the face of the pandemic, the report also calls for increased cooperation…