Much of Europe’s critical infrastructure which resides in sectors such as energy, transportation,water supply is largely managed and controlled by SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems, a subgroup of Industrial Control Systems…
Certification of Cyber Security skills of ICS/SCADA professionals
This document explores how current initiatives on certification of professional skills are related to the topic of ICS/SCADA cyber security. It also identifies the challenges and proposes a series of recommendations towards the development of…
Communication network dependencies for ICS/SCADA Systems
ENISA is continuing the work on communication network dependencies in industrial infrastructures, focusing in this case on ICS/SCADA systems and networks. The main objective is to provide insight into the communication network interdependencies…
Can we learn from SCADA security incidents?
Security experts across the world continue to sound the alarm bells about the security of Industrial Control Systems (ICS). Industrial Control Systems look more and more like consumer PCs.
They are used everywhere and involve a considerable amount…
Analysis of ICS-SCADA Cyber Security Maturity Levels in Critical Sectors
This study reveals the current maturity level of ICS-SCADA cyber security in Europe and identifies good practices used by European Member States to improve this area. The first and second part of this study introduces us to the ICS-SCADA cyber…
Attacks on ICS-SCADA: How to protect critical infrastructures
ENISA publishes a study on the "Communication network dependencies for ICS-SCADA Systems". The report identifies good practices and recommendations to help the security of ICS-SCADA against cyber threats.
Industrial Control Systems (ICS) & SCADA Security Workshop
The Agency arranged an ICS Security Validation Workshop in Barcelona, (16/09). The workshop objective was to discuss the subject of Industrial Control Systems (ICS) protection, including SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems.
EU cyber security Agency ENISA argues that better protection of SCADA Systems is needed
How long can we afford having critical infrastructures that use unpatched SCADA systems, the EU’s cyber security Agency ENISA asks? ENISA argues that the EU Member States could proactively deploy patch management to enhance the security of SCADA…