Workshop on recommendations for testing Industrial Control Systems - (ICS).
Call for experts for TRANSSEC - Intelligent Public Transport Resilience and Security Expert Group
ENISA launches a call for participation inviting experts in security of intelligent public transports in the context of smart cities
EU Agency analysis of ‘Stuxnet’ malware: a paradigm shift in threats and Critical Information Infrastructure Protection
The EU ‘cyber security’ Agency ENISA, i.e. the European Network and Information Security Agency, has produced an initial comment and brief, high level analysis of the recent ‘Stuxnet’ attacks; on its importance, and its technical implications for…
EU Minister’s Informal Justice & Home Affairs Ministers’ meeting, Vilnius 18-19/07
The EU’s cyber security Agency ENISA attended the informal Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) Minister’s meeting in Vilnius, 18-19 July, 2013, where cyber security was a key matter to discuss.
First joint EU-US cyber security exercise conducted today, 3rd Nov. 2011
The first joint cyber security exercise between the EU and US is being held today (3rd Nov.) in Brussels, with the support of the EU’s cyber security Agency ENISA and the US Department of Homeland Security. The day-long table-top exercise, "Cyber…