Standardisation in support of the Cybersecurity Certification
The document presents the value of the cybersecurity standardisation efforts for certification, the roles and responsibilities of Standards Developing Organisations (SDOs) in this context, and discusses various ways how standardisation can support…
Digital Identity Standards
This report gives an overview of the most important standards and standardisation organisations in this area. This information is useful for the novice, to find out what is available, but also for more experienced readers who might not be aware of…
5G Cybersecurity Standards
This report outlines the contribution of standardisation to the mitigation of technical risks, and therefore to trust and resilience, in the 5G ecosystem. This report focuses on standardisation from a technical and organisational perspective.
Risk Management Standards
The purpose of this document is to provide a coherent overview of published standards that address aspects of risk management and subsequently describe methodologies and tools that can be used to conform with or implement these standards.
Overview of standards related to eIDAS
The scope of this document is to assess the suitability of the recently published ENs to fulfil the eIDAS Regulation requirements, and to describe the differences with the previous TSs, in view of a possible update of the list of standards…
Cybersecurity of AI and Standardisation
The overall objective of the present document is to provide an overview of standards (existing, being drafted, under consideration and planned) related to the cybersecurity of artificial intelligence (AI), assess their coverage and identify gaps in…
IoT Security Standards Gap Analysis
This study analyses the gaps and provides guidelines for, in particular, the development or repositioning of standards, facilitating the adoption of standards and governance of EU standardisation in the area of NIS.
Analysis of standards related to Trust Service Providers - Mapping of requirements of eIDAS to existing standards
This report on one hand analyses the eIDAS requirements with regard to the standards, on the other analyses currently available standards and compares the results of both analyses. Such a mapping is oriented at the requirements specified in the…
Guidance and gaps analysis for European standardisation
This study aims to a) explore how the standards-developing world is responding to the fast-changing, demanding realm of privacy by mapping existing available standards and initiatives in the area and b) provide insights on the “state-of-the-art” of…
Definition of Cybersecurity - Gaps and overlaps in standardisation
This document analyses the usage of this term by various stakeholders and reviews standardisation activities in the area of Cybersecurity, providing an overview of overlaps and gaps in available standards. It has been written by CSCG and ENISA…