Recommendations for Qualified Trust Service Providers based on Standards
This document provides recommendations to help qualified trust service providers and auditors understand the expected mapping between these requirements/obligations and reference numbers of standards, as well as practical recommendations for their…
Improving recognition of ICT security standards
This report is a continuation and an extension of previously carried out ENISA work on approaches to the NIS Directive by Member States, which have provided recommendations on standardisation and have outlined the use and management of CSIRTs.
Good practices on the implementation of regulatory technical standards
MS approaches on PSD 2 implementation: commonalities in risk management and incident reporting - The main objective of this study is to identify the differences introduced by Member States in the implementation of the PSD2. In particular, the aim is…
Recommendations for QTSPs based on Standards - Technical guidelines on trust services
Following the publication of the eIDAS Regulation, a set of secondary and co-regulatory acts had to be published in order to provide technical guidance on how to implement the specific requirements of the eIDAS Regulation (in the TSP part of…
Standardisation in support of the Cybersecurity Certification
The document presents the value of the cybersecurity standardisation efforts for certification, the roles and responsibilities of Standards Developing Organisations (SDOs) in this context, and discusses various ways how standardisation can support…
Assessment of ETSI TS 119 403-3 related to eIDAS
This document assesses the eligibility of [ETSI TS 119 403-3], and the standards it builds upon, to be referenced in an implementing act adopted pursuant to Art.20(4) of the eIDAS Regulation. The findings suggest that if certain revisions take place…
NIS Directive 2
NIS 2 strengthens cybersecurity across the EU by setting higher standards for essential services.
ENISA supports the promotion of a single market for cybersecurity products and the securing of all elements of their supply chains.
Guidance and gaps analysis for European standardisation
This study aims to a) explore how the standards-developing world is responding to the fast-changing, demanding realm of privacy by mapping existing available standards and initiatives in the area and b) provide insights on the “state-of-the-art” of…
Cybersecurity Certification: Candidate EUCC Scheme
Following the request from the European Commission in accordance with Article 48.2 of the Cybersecurity Act, ENISA has set up an Ad Hoc Working Group to support the preparation of a candidate EU cybersecurity certification scheme as a successor to…