On 15 March, the European Standards Organisations (ESOs), CEN, CENELEC and ETSI, joined forces with ENISA, the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity, to organise their 6th annual conference.
Standard Operational Procedures to manage multinational cyber-crises finalised by EU, EFTA Member States and ENISA
Today, with the development of the EU-Standard Operational Procedures (EU-SOPs), a milestone has been reached for the management of multinational cyber crises. These procedures were developed by the EU and European Free Trade Association (EFTA)…
ENISA serves as the CyCLONe Secretariat boosting cooperation among national Cyber Crises Liaison Organisations
Standardisation and the EU Cybersecurity Act
The EU Agency for Cybersecurity publishes two studies related to the domain of standards supporting the Cybersecurity Act and the new Cybersecurity Certification Framework.
Cyber-security collaboration agreement between ENISA & European standardisation bodies, CEN and CENLEC
The European Union (EU) agency, ENISA is supporting the development of standards for products and services in cyber-security by signing (9th July) a collaboration agreement with two of the major standardisation bodies in the EU - the European…
Cybersecurity Certification Framework
The Goal of Cybersecurity Certification under the Cybersecurity Act
Navigating through Challenges and Opportunities of Cybersecurity Standardisation
On 5 March, the European Standardisation Organisations (ESOs), CEN, CENELEC and ETSI, joined forces with ENISA, the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity, to organise their 8th Cybersecurity Standardisation Conference.
By embracing diversity and support equity, we enhance our ability to protect against cyber threats and create a workplace culture that values differences.
Cybersecurity for 5G: ENISA Releases Report on Security Controls in 3GPP
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) provides authorities with technical guidance on the 5G Toolbox measure for security requirements in existing 5G standards.
EU Agency presents 1st report ever on how to measure IT resilience
“If you cannot measure it you cannot improve it!” Lord Kelvin -
EU Agency presents the 1st comprehensive report on Metrics and Measurements in Network and Service Resilience, uncovering a lack of standards & coherency