Annual Incident Analysis Report for the Trust Service Providers
This report provides an analysis and evaluation of the incident reporting procedure in the EU under the Article 19 of the eIDAS Regulation (2014/910/EC). Considering the fact that only the second half of 2016 was applicable and moreover that this…
Analysis of standards related to Trust Service Providers - Mapping of requirements of eIDAS to existing standards
This report on one hand analyses the eIDAS requirements with regard to the standards, on the other analyses currently available standards and compares the results of both analyses. Such a mapping is oriented at the requirements specified in the…
Guidelines on Initiation of Qualified Trust Services - Technical guidelines on trust services
This document is one deliverable out of a series whose objective is to propose guidelines aimed at facilitating the implementation of the provisions related to trust services of the eIDAS Regulation in the area of qualified trust services. It…
Guidelines on Supervision of Qualified Trust Services - Technical guidelines on trust services
This document is one deliverable out of a series whose objective is to propose guidelines aimed at facilitating the implementation of the provisions related to trust services of the eIDAS Regulation in the area of qualified trust services. It…
Trusted e-ID Infrastructures and services in the EU - Recommendations for Trusted Provision of e-Government services
Under the scope of the the proposed new Regulation on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market, which will supersede the current Directive 1999/93/EC on a Community framework for electronic…
Trust Services Security Incidents 2022
This report, the Annual Report Trust Services Security Incidents 2022, provides an aggregated overview of the notified breaches for 2022, analysing root causes, statistics and trends. This report marks the sixth round of security incident reporting…
Trust Services Security Incidents 2020 - Annual Report
Article 19 of the eIDAS regulation sets out the security requirements for the trust service providers (TSPs) and introduces mandatory security breach reporting for trust service providers (TSPs) in the EU. This report provides an aggregated overview…
Annual Report Trust Services Security Incidents 2017
The Annual report Trust Services security incidents 2017 marks the 1st full year of annual reporting about significant security incidents in the EU's trust services sector. The legal framework for this incident reporting process is Article 19 of the…
Trusted e-ID infrastructures and services in EU
ENISA has conducted a survey about the security mechanisms used by TSPs (Trust Service Providers) in Europe, and their interoperability, under the scope of the proposed new Regulation on electronic identification and trust services for electronic…
Trust Services Security Incidents 2021
This report provides an aggregated overview of the notified breaches for 2021, analysing root causes, statistics and trends. It marks the sixth round of security incident reporting for the EU’s trust services sector. In this round of annual summary…