Trust Services-Secure move to the cloud of the eIDAS ecosystem
This report includes a detailed analysis on the different technical requirements that must be addressed considering the relevant standards. It also gives an overview of practical experiences on the move of trust services to the cloud, based on the…
Implementation of Art 15: Security breaches notifications in trust services
The European Commission proposed on July 2012 a draft regulation on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market, which will replace the existing Electronic Signature Directive 1999/93/EC. Article…
Recommendations for QTSPs based on Standards - Technical guidelines on trust services
Following the publication of the eIDAS Regulation, a set of secondary and co-regulatory acts had to be published in order to provide technical guidance on how to implement the specific requirements of the eIDAS Regulation (in the TSP part of…
Security guidelines on the appropriate use of qualified electronic registered delivery services
This document addresses qualified electronic registered delivery services and is one out of a series of five documents which aim to assist parties wishing to use qualified electronic signatures, seals, time stamps, eDelivery or website…
Security guidelines on the appropriate use of qualified website authentication certificates
This document addresses qualified certificates for website authentication and is one out of a series of five documents which aim to assist parties wishing to use qualified electronic signatures, seals, time stamps, eDelivery or website…
Security guidelines on the appropriate use of qualified electronic time stamps
This document addresses qualified electronic time stamps and is one out of a series of five documents which target to assist parties aiming to use qualified electronic signatures, seals, time stamps, eDelivery or website authentication certificates…
Security guidelines on the appropriate use of qualified electronic seals
This document addresses qualified electronic seals and is one out of a series of five documents which target to assist parties aiming to use qualified electronic signatures, seals, time stamps, eDelivery and website authentication certificates to…
Security guidelines on the appropriate use of qualified electronic signatures
This document addresses qualified electronic signatures and is one out of a series of five documents which target to assist parties aiming to use qualified electronic signatures, seals, time stamps, eDelivery or website authentication certificates…
Reinforcing trust and security in the area of electronic communications and online services
This study provides an overview of well-established security practices, for the purpose of sketching the notion of “state-of-the-art” in a number of categories of measures, as they are listed in ENISA’s guidelines for SMEs on the security of…
Trust and Reputation Models
Reputation systems are a key success factor of many websites, enabling users and customers to have a better understanding of the information, products and services being provided. However, by using reputation systems, individuals place themselves at…