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Hackers-for-Hire drive the Evolution of the New ENISA Threat Landscape
EU Elections at Risk with Rise of AI-Enabled Information Manipulation
The 11th edition of the Threat Landscape of the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) highlights the disruptive impacts of AI chatbots and AI-enabled manipulation of information.
Volatile Geopolitics Shake the Trends of the 2022 Cybersecurity Threat Landscape
With the geopolitical context giving rise to cyberwarfare and hacktivism, alarming cyber operations and malignant cyberattacks have altered the trends of the 10th edition of the Threat Landscape report released today by the European Union Agency…
ENISA unveils its New Strategy towards a Trusted and Cyber Secure Europe
This publication by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity outlines the Agency’s strategic objectives to boost cybersecurity, preparedness and trust across the EU under its new strengthened and permanent mandate.
EU Cybersecurity Policy Conference
The first EU Cybersecurity Policy Conference will bring together policymakers, industry representatives and key stakeholders to discuss implementation of cybersecurity policy and challenges ahead. The conference is organised in collaboration with…
Understanding Cyber Threats in Transport
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) publishes its first cyber threat landscape report dedicated to the transport sector.
ENISA Threat Landscape 2020: Cyber Attacks Becoming More Sophisticated, Targeted, Widespread and Undetected
Threat landscape maps Malware standing strong as #1 Cyber Threat in the EU, with an increase in Phishing, Identity Theft, Ransomware; Monetisation holding its place as cyber criminals’ top motivation; and the COVID-19 environment fuelling attacks…
EU National Telecom Authorities analyse Security Supervision and Latest Security Threats