Emerging and Future Risks: Call for Scenario Proposals
In 2010 ENISA will perform two new assessments of emerging and future risks.
This call for proposal aims to collect scenarios based on emerging technologies and applications and to assess emerging and future risks.
The deadline for proposals…
Asking for your feedback: ENISA technical guidance for the cybersecurity measures of the NIS2 Implementing Act
We are inviting industry stakeholders to provide comments on the technical guidance for the NIS2 implementing act on cybersecurity measures for critical entities in the digital infrastructure sector.
New video clip; Smartphones security risks & opportunities
Supporting the newly launched report, the Agency has produced a video clip on Smartphone security; risk opportunities & recommendations, outlining the report.
Risk Management Studio Tool
The tool Risk Management Studio has been updated on the inventory of RM/RA tools.
Ranking & voting online; privacy risks of reputation systems analysed in new report
Ranking & voting online; privacy risks of reputation systems in new Agency report.
RM/RA Tool Modulo Risk Manager
The tool Modulo Risk Manager has been added on the inventory of Risk Management / Risk Assessment tools.
Position Paper: security risks, online banking and eID cards
ENISA launches new Position Paper on security risks in online banking through European eID cards
ENISA’s input to the W.E.F. (World Economic Forum) Global Risk Report 2013
ENISA’s contribution to the World Economic Forum (WEF) report, Global Risk 2013 has been acknowledged in advance of the WEF’s Davos-Klosters annual meeting (23-27 January).