In the world of the internet, security is a fast moving field and cyber-attacks are changing constantly. What may have been an appropriate security measure at one point in time may be considered unnecessary and disproportionate later on.
Trust Service Forum 2022: Deepdive into Digital Identity Wallets and Web Certificates
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) gathered experts from trust services providers, standardisation bodies and national authorities around the discussion tables of the Trust Services Forum organised on 27 and 28 October in Berlin.
How to Help National Authorities deal with the Challenges of Mobile Networks Security?
Organised this month by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) webinars explored the security challenges of mobile networks.
Tackling Security Challenges in 5G Networks
The EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) proposes good practices for the secure deployment of Network Function Virtualisation (NFV) in 5G networks.
ENISA launches the Cybersecurity Strategies Evaluation Tool
Today ENISA launches the Cybersecurity Strategies Evaluation tool.
Visit by the Swedish National Regulatory Agency PTS to ENISA.
Today a delegation from the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority, PTS, visited the ENISA premises in Athens.