ENISA: 15 years of building cybersecurity bridges together
Cross recognition of national eID schemes in the EU: one-step forward
As from 29 September 2018, the eIDAS Regulation creates new impetus across EU Member States (MS) as the latter will be obliged to recognise national systems of other MS, which have been notified to the European Commission and comply with eIDAS.…
ENISA and eu-LISA boost cooperation
The European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) and the European Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice (eu-LISA) signed today a Memorandum of…
ENISA appoints Permanent Stakeholders’ Group members for 2015-2017
ENISA announces the appointment of twenty (20) members from across Europe, to its Permanent Stakeholders’ Group (PSG).
Article 13a Meeting in Athens and Updated Technical Guidelines
This week the 14th Article 13a meeting took place, hosted by ADAE, the Greek regulator for electronic communications security. The meeting was held in Athens, and was joined by experts from ENISA, the European Commission, and about 30 experts…
ENISA working group on Artificial Intelligence cybersecurity kick-off
It’s your digital life. Being safer online - citizens in focus of 1st European Cyber Security Month