ENISA statement related to the recent Internet Explorer vulnerability
National Cybersecurity Strategies: with a vision on raising citizens’ awareness
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) under the framework of its 9th National Cybersecurity Strategies (NCSS) workshop, issued a report on cybersecurity awareness, with the aim to assist EU Member States in fostering their…
Europe joins forces in Cyber Europe 2012
SMEs Cybersecurity
ENISA has consistently advanced initiatives to help SMEs integrate cybersecurity into their digital environments.
Standardisation conference explores EU cybersecurity legislation
On 15 March, the European Standards Organisations (ESOs), CEN, CENELEC and ETSI, joined forces with ENISA, the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity, to organise their 6th annual conference.
“Digital Single Market for All”: 5th and final week of #CyberSecMonth 2015
The European Cyber Security Month, the EU advocacy campaign running through October, promoting cyber security is almost coming to its completion this week. This week’s theme is dedicated to a “Digital Single Market for All”.
Cybersecurity is a shared responsibility: 2018 European Cyber Security Month kicks off
The sixth edition of the European Cyber Security Month (ECSM) kicks off today across the EU. The EU Cybersecurity Agency ENISA, the European Commission and over 200 partners from all over Europe will run this campaign throughout the whole month…
The Anatomy of National and International Cyber Security Exercises; new report by the EU cyber-security Agency ENISA
Reinforced role for ENISA in the Digital Agenda
6 Key Success Factors to run Effective National Cybersecurity Competitions