ENISA statement on Wikileaks events
The Agency today issues the following brief analysis of the information security events regarding Wikileaks.
Malicious actions not necessarily focused on causing disruptions in TELECOM, but system failures still are
ENISA publishes its Annual Incidents report which gives the aggregated analysis of the security incidents causing severe outages in 2015.
IoT Security: ENISA Publishes Guidelines on Securing the IoT Supply Chain
Report addresses the entire lifespan of Internet of Thing (IoT) product development by offering security measures for each step.
Securing smart infrastructure during the COVID-19 pandemic
Securing smart homes and smart buildings from cybersecurity risks becomes more relevant than ever in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. ENISA presents some fundamental measures for securing smart devices.
Exploring the Feasibility of EU Cybersecurity Certification in support of New Technologies
Once more, the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), organises the Cybersecurity Certification Conference, during the twice annually cybersecurity certification week that brings together experts, private stakeholders and public…
‘Bittersweet cookies’: new types of ‘cookies’ raise online security & privacy concerns
The EU’s ‘cyber security’ Agency ENISA has published a position paper on the security and privacy concerns regarding new types of online ‘cookies’. The advertising industry has led the drive for new, persistent and powerful cookies, with privacy-…
Cybersecurity Investments in the EU: Is the Money Enough to Meet the New Cybersecurity Standards?
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity publishes the latest report on Network and Information Security Investments in the EU providing an insight on how the NIS Directive has impacted the cybersecurity budget of operators over the past year…
Energy: cyber security is crucial for protection against threats for smart grids which are key for energy availability claims EU cyber security Agency in new report
The EU’s cyber security agency ENISA signals that assessing the threats for smart grids is
crucial for their protection and is therefore a key element in ensuring energy availability.
Mind the Gap in Standardisation of Cybersecurity for Artificial Intelligence
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) publishes an assessment of standards for the cybersecurity of AI and issues recommendations to support the implementation of upcoming EU policies on Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Hurrah for Denmark, Top Winner of the 2022 European Cybersecurity Challenge
The 8th edition of the ECSC concludes successfully, especially for the top three winners of the competition with Denmark in first place, Germany in second place and France in third place. The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) warmly…