Study on cryptographic protocols
Cryptographic algorithms, when used in networks, are used within a cryptographic protocol. Even if the cryptographic primitives and schemes (discussed in the “Algorithms, key size and parameters” report of 2014, see link below) are deemed secure,…
Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure: Guidelines published by NCSC
The Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure Guideline that aims to support organisations with their CVD-policy was published last week by the Dutch National Cybersecurity Centre.
The state of Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities 2018-2019
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity, ENISA organises a joint workshop with CERT-EU, computer emergency response team for the EU Institutions, Bodies and Agencies to share information on key cybersecurity activities.
Guide to mitigate vulnerabilities, threats & cyber attacks
ENISA launches Guide on sharing information to mitigate network security vulnerabilities, threats and cyber attacks
ENISA statement related to the recent Internet Explorer vulnerability
In relation to the warnings of Microsoft on Sunday, of a previously unknown vulnerability in all supported versions of Internet Explorer being exploited, affecting all supported versions of IE, and allows them to secretly hijack vulnerable computers…
Joint Statement on Ivanti Connect Secure and Ivanti Policy Secure Vulnerabilities
Assessment and advice on recovery and mitigating actions.
Log4j vulnerability - update from the CSIRTs Network
The EU CSIRTs Network has been closely following the development of the Log4Shell situation since 10 December 2021.
National-level Risk Assessments: An Analysis Report
This report is based on a study and analysis of approaches to national-level risk assessment and threat modelling for cyber security which was conducted between April and October 2013. ENISA aims to provide an evidence-based methodology for…