Large scale UDP attacks: How to combat the new cyber attack trend
1st Meeting of ENISA’s electronic communications reference group in Rome
Improve Internet security by protecting Domain Name Systems (DNS)
Is Secure and Trusted AI Possible? The EU Leads the Way
Team Europe wins the International Cybersecurity Challenge 2024!
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) is proud to announce that Team Europe has triumphed in the International Cybersecurity Challenge for the third consecutive year.
Skills shortage and unpatched systems soar to high-ranking 2030 cyber threats
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) publishes the executive summary of this year’s ‘Foresight Cybersecurity Threats for 2030’ presenting an overview of key findings in the top 10 ranking.
EU Elections at Risk with Rise of AI-Enabled Information Manipulation
The 11th edition of the Threat Landscape of the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) highlights the disruptive impacts of AI chatbots and AI-enabled manipulation of information.
Artificial Intelligence: How to make Machine Learning Cyber Secure?
How to prevent machine learning cyberattacks? How to deploy controls without hampering performance? The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity answers the cybersecurity questions of machine learning in a new report published today.