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European Competent Authorities for Trust Services Expert Group

Welcome to ENISA European Competent Authorities for Trust Services (ECATS ) Expert Group page.
Originally called Article 19 Expert Group and formed in 2015 by ENISA and under the auspices of the European Commission, the ENISA ECATS Expert Group is an informal group focusing on trust services such as the creation, verification and validation of electronic signatures, electronic seals, electronic timestamps, certificates for website authentication and related services. The group facilitates voluntary and informal collaboration between competent authority experts from EU Member States, EEA EFTA States, EU Candidate countries and other relevant stakeholders to ensure smooth and secure functioning of trust services.
The goals of the ENISA ECATS Expert Group include but are not limited to:
- Agree on the necessary technical details to allow for an efficient and harmonized implementation of security requirements for qualified and non-qualified trust services and trust service providers.
- Facilitate voluntary exchange of information between competent authorities about threats and incidents, lessons learned, standards, good practices and tools.
- Facilitate review and input on the ENISA deliverables relevant to the group.
- Propose activities for the ENISA work program relevant to the group.
- Provide feedback on existing and upcoming regulatory initiatives and other documents relevant to members.
For accessing the member's portal click here
For more please contact [email protected]