International Cybersecurity Challenge (ICC)

The International Cybersecurity Challenge (ICC) is the first global ’Capture the Flag event’ (CTF).


The International Cybersecurity Challenge (ICC) is the first global’Capture the Flag event’ (CTF), that attracts more than 65 countries and aims to aspire cybersecurity talent across the world, with the aim to raise awareness and foster the development of cybersecurity skills and competences. The initiative was first designed and launched by ENISA, jointlly with regional and international organisations back in 2022. In 2023 the ICC was hosted in San Diego, USA and in 2024 in Santiago, Chile. 

During the ICC, all teams across the globe are called to compete in a series of challenges in a number of areas, such as web application and system exploitation, cryptography, reverse engineering, hardware challenges, forensics and escape rooms.

Over the past three years, ICC has gradually become an incubator of cybersecurity expertise and is associated with the top cybersecurity talents of the world.

The International Cybersecurity Challenge offers the participants the opportunity to train with the regional best candidates and if successful, meet the world’s best cybersecurity talent in the final. 

Team Europe

The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) is coordinating on an annual basis the selection process and preparation of the ‘Team Europe’. ENISA receives two nominees from every participating country in the ECSC as full members. The best talent from the ‘Open European Cybersecurity Challenge’ (ECSC), as well as players that participated in the past ICC events are also invited and are eligible to participate to the challenge. ENISA facilitates with the organisation of training bootcamps, a qualifier event, and online training sessions jointly with the coaches of the Team Europe.

Team Europe 2025

ENISA will launch the process for selecting the Team Europe 2025 cohort at the beginning of December. ENISA maintains a detailed sponsorship programme for ‘Team Europe’ and any interested party may reach out to [email protected] for further details. 

Female only Capture the Flag (CTF) activities

ENISA has been conducting training programmes and Capture the Flag (CTF) activities, available only to female participants over the past three years, in collaboration with Member states and the ECSC community. ENISA is dedicated to continue activities in educating female participants through CTFs and expand the female community that numbers more than 200 participants from across the Europe.

Target of the agency is to organise minimum two training events per year and one qualifier CTF to determine the team that will continue representing Europe in the international Kunoichi games.