External Meeting Calendar

In the exercise of the ENISA mandate, ENISA managers engage with external public and private stakeholders of the Agency. Key stakeholders include inter alia the Member States, the EU Institutions and industry.

In the interest of transparency, relevant external meetings of the members of ENISA's management team are made available to the public on the External Meeting Calendar.

The calendar is regularly updated with an aim to ensure that it is accurate and incorporate the most up to date information. In the case of any inaccuracy in the calendar, best efforts are made to correct the relevant information as soon as possible.

Any queries regarding the external meeting calendars of management may be addressed to the following mailbox: info[at]enisa.europa.eu

Meetings 2025

DateENISAStakeholdersTopics Discussed
14/2/2025Demosthenes Ikonomou GartnerIntroductory meeting
14/2/2025Demosthenes Ikonomou NCCIntroductory meeting
14/02/2025Hans de Vries, Florian Pennings, Konstantinos NtantinosIBMCybersecurity critical infrastructure 
14/02/2025Florian PenningsCloudflareIntroductory meeting
14/02/2025Hans de Vries, Florian Pennings, Konstantinos NtantinosUS Chamber of CommerceExchange of use regarding global cybersecurity
13/02/2025Florian Pennings, Konstantinos NtantinosSecunetEU cooperation regarding cybersecurity
13/02/2025Florian PenningsSAPIntroductory meeting
13/02/2025Florian Pennings, Konstantinos NtantinosLenovoMunich Security Conference introduction and discussion
12/02/2025Demosthenes Ikonomou EYSupport Action / Cybersecurity Reserve
11/02/2025Florian Pennings, Jurgita Skritaite, Laura HeuvinckInterface EUInterview
06/02/2025Florian PenningsMicrosoftCyber Agora
04/02/2025Florian Pennings, Dimitra Liveri, Evangelos Ouzounis, Stefano de Crescenzo, Ruben Paul Van Hofwegen, Rossen NaydenovMastercardIntroductory and Cooperation Meeting
28/01/2025Apostolos Malatras, Razvan GavrilaGoogle on CRA/REDCooperation Meeting
27/01/2025Florian PenningsDigitalEuropeCybersecurity Policy Development 
27/01/2025Demosthenes IkonomouUnisystemsIntroductory meeting
07/01/2025Florian PenningsDLDDiscussion on DLD Conference
07/01/2025Florian PenningsECSOExchange views

Meetings 2024

DateENISAStakeholdersTopics Discussed
18/12/2024Florian PenningsASSA ABLOYIntroduction meeting 
09/12/2024Florian PenningsVenableCyberNext 2025 event discussion
09/12/2024Apostolos MalatrasCSAIntroductory meeting
05/12/2024Florian PenningsSchneider ElectricCybersecurity Policy
03/12/2024Florian PenningsGMFIntroduction meeting
02/12/2024Florian PenningsOpenPolicyIntroduction meeting
27/11/2024Florian PenningsRud PedersenCybersecurity Trends
08/11/2024Evangelos OuzounisCISCOEU Cybersecurity Policy
06/11/2024Florian PenningsSchneider ElectricCybersecurity Policy
31/10/2024Andreas Mitrakas, Apostolos MalatrasAWSCertification
21/10/2024Florian PenningsOrgalimIntroduction meeting
14/10/2024Florian PenningsMedTech Europe Introduction meeting

Florian Pennings


Cooperation meeting

03/10/2024Florian PenningsSAPIntroduction meeting
02/10/2024Hans de VriesMandiantIntroduction meeting
02/10/2024Hans de VriesCI-ISACIntroduction meeting
25/09/2024Florian PenningsMastercardIntroduction meeting
25/09/2024Florian PenningsBSAIntroduction meeting with Head of Office
25/09/2024Florian PenningsDigital EuropeDiscussion about cybersecurity cooperation
24/09/2024Florian PenningsITIIntroduction meeting with Head of Office
23/09/2024Evangelos OuzounisCCDCOECIIP
04/09/2024Hans de VriesNASKPreparatory meeting for Polish Presidency
19/08/2024Hans de VriesCheck PointDiscussion about current threats 
09/08/2024Hans de Vries Stefano De CrescenzoPaloAltoDiscussion on current threats on Healthcare
08/08/2024Hans de Vries Stefano De CrescenzoNightDragonGeneral introduction with the CEO
08/08/2024Hans de Vries Stefano De CrescenzoFortinet General threats overview
08/08/2024Hans de Vries Stefano De CrescenzoMicrosoftDiscussion about partnership programme
08/08/2024Hans de Vries Stefano De CrescenzoIBMFeedback on JCDC
07/08/2024Hans de Vries Stefano De CrescenzoElasticIntroduction meeting
07/08/2024Hans de Vries Stefano De CrescenzoCISAPartnership strengthening
04/07/2024Evangelos OuzounisFU BerlinCrisis Management
04/06/2024Hans de VriesAmazon Web ServicesGeneral introduction, information sharing
04/06/204Hans de VriesMastercardGeneral introduction, importance of Mastercard

Juhan Lepassaar

Florian Pennings 

BusinessEuropeCybersecurity topics
27/06/2024Juhan LepassaarDigital EuropeCybersecurity issues
27/06/2024Andreas MitrakasInformation Technology Industry CouncilDelegation Visit to ENISA HQ
21/06/2024Andreas MitrakasVisit of U.S. Congressional delegation - Embassy of the Unites States of America in GreeceDelegation Visit to ENISA HQ
21/06/2024Andreas MitrakasOneNavCall on GPS/L5
12/06/2024Hans de VriesViasatIntroduction meeting
07/06/2024Andreas MitrakasAerospace, Security and Defense Association (ASD)Call on EUCS
30/05/2024Andreas MitrakasGlobal Government Expert Forum by CISADiscussion on SBOM
24/05/2024Andreas MitrakasCRESTCall on Managed Service Providers
23/05/2024Andreas MitrakasOliver WymanCall on EUCS
21/05/2024Andreas MitrakasCanadian Centre for CybersecurityCall on NESAS
21/05/2024Andreas MitrakasBavarian Ministry for DigitizationMeeting on Cyberthreats, Cloud, Certification, Innovation
14/05/2024Andreas MitrakasOpen-Source Security Foundation, Centre for European Policy StudiesSecure Open-Source Software (SOSS) Policy Summit Europe 2024
08/04/2024Andreas MitrakasLund UniversityCall with Researcher
04/04/2024Juhan Lepassaar, Hans de Vries, Evangelos Ouzounis, Stefano De CrescenzoIBMPartnership Programme/ Latest policy development (NIS2/CRA/CSOA), CRA platform
04/04/2024Juhan Lepassaar, Hans de Vries, Evangelos Ouzounis, Stefano De CrescenzoFederal Communications Commission (FCC)Partnership Programme/ Latest policy development (NIS2/CRA/CSOA), CRA platform
04/04/2024Juhan Lepassaar, Hans de Vries, Evangelos Ouzounis, Stefano De CrescenzoVenableCybersecurity issues 
03/04/2024Juhan Lepassaar, Hans de Vries, Evangelos Ouzounis, Stefano De CrescenzoMandiant Cybersecurity ConsultingPartnership Programme/ Latest policy development (NIS2/CRA/CSOA), CRA platform
02/04/2024Juhan Lepassaar, Hans de Vries, Evangelos Ouzounis, Stefano De CrescenzoCybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)Latest policy development (NIS2/CRA/CSOA)
02/04/2024Juhan Lepassaar, Hans de Vries, Evangelos Ouzounis, Stefano De CrescenzoPaloaltoPartnership Programme/ / Latest policy development (NIS2/CRA/CSOA), CRA platform
02/04/2024Juhan Lepassaar, Hans de Vries, Evangelos Ouzounis, Stefano De CrescenzoSoftware, Network, and Cybersecurity Solutions (Cisco)Partnership Programme/ Latest policy development (NIS2/CRA/CSOA), CRA platform
28/03/2024Andreas MitrakasLawspot, ELSA GreeceInfolaw Conference 2024
27/03/2024Juhan LepassaarOrange Cyber DefenceCyber Solidarity Act and MSSPs
18/03/2024Andreas MitrakasVenableCybernext Conference
18/03/2024Andreas MitrakasFabMax B.V.Call on Cybersecurity in the Supply Chain of Semiconductors
14/03/2024Andreas MitrakasDassault SystemesCall on EUCS
11-13/03/2024Andreas MitrakasOracleInternational Conference on the EU Cyber and Resilience Acts
08/03/2024Andreas MitrakasOracleCall on EL4 Concept Paper
05/03/2024Andreas MitrakasCEN CENELECCybersecurity Certification & Standardization
04/03/2024Andreas MitrakasANATEL & Embassy of Brazil in GreeceVisit to ENISA HQ
01/03/2024Andreas MitrakasOVHCall on EUCS
01/03/2024Andreas MitrakasFabMax B.V.Call on Cybersecurity in the Supply Chain of Semiconductors
01/03/2024Andreas MitrakasOpen Forum EuropeCall on Open-Source Software
28/02/2024Andreas MitrakasBundesverband der Deutschen Industrie e.V.Call on EU Space Cybersecurity Policy
22/02/2024Andreas MitrakasEBPBCall on EUCS
12/02/2024Andreas MitrakasHuaweiCall on EU5G and EUCS
09/02/2024Andreas MitrakasAmCham BrusselsCall on EUCS
08/02/2024Andreas MitrakasEBFCall on EUCS
24/01/2024Andreas MitrakasOracle, Tony Blair Institute, PoliticoEU Cyber Policy Journey Panel
23/01/2024Andreas MitrakasIsrael National Cyber DirectorateIntroductory Call
22/01/2024Andreas MitrakasEDPB

Call on EUCS

Meetings 2023

DateENISAStakeholdersTopics Discussed
19/12/2023Evangelos OuzounisEUSPASpace security
19/12/2023Andreas MitrakasFédération des Industries Électriques, Électroniques et de Communication – Commission NumériqueCall on Cybersecurity Certification
15-16/12/2023Andreas MitrakasEuropean Alliance for InnovationWiCON Conference
13/12/2023Andreas MitrakasIBMCall on EUCS
12/12/2023Andreas MitrakasO-RAN Alliance / Security GroupCall on EU5G
11/12/2023Andreas MitrakasANSSIANSSI-Industrie Conference
07/12/2023Andreas MitrakasSkaddenCybersecurity topics
05/12/2023Andreas MitrakasEuropean Banking FederationEBF and S&P BANKING ESSENTIALS Webinar - Banking on the public cloud
04-05/12/2023Andreas MitrakasAmerican-Hellenic Chamber of CommerceGreek Economic Summit 2023
20/11/2023Andreas MitrakasVenable LLP - Cybersecurity Coalition and the Coalition to Reduce Cyber Risk (CR2)Call on EUCS
09/11/2023Andreas MitrakasBT, KPN, Telia, Telenor, VodafoneCall on EUCS
07/11/2023Andreas MitrakasCloudflareCall on EUCS
06/11/2023Andreas MitrakasGlobalPlatformcertification schemes, standardization priorities and market verticals
12/10/2023Andreas MitrakasDepartment of the Environment, Climate and Communications from the Republic of IrelandDiscussion on draft EUCS
11/10/2023Apostolos MalatrasFortinetIncident reporting
10/10/2023Apostolos MalatrasMicrosoftIncident reporting
06/10/2023Juhan Lepassaar Deutsche Telekom Security GmbHCybersecurity issues
04/10/2023Juhan LepassaarKPN telecommunicationsCybersecurity topics
04/10/2023Andreas MitrakasIntelCyber Resilience Act
04/10/2023Andreas MitrakasAmChamPrep call ahead of the EU Transatlantic Digital Economy Conference
27/09/2023Juhan LepassaarMicrosoftCybersecurity issues
27/09/2023Juhan LepassaarBH ConsultingCybersecurity topics
27/09/2023Juhan LepassaarOptum RxCybersecurity topics
27/09/2023Juhan LepassaarWard SolutionsCybersecurity topics
27/09/2023Juhan LepassaarAccentureCybersecurity topics
27/09/2023Juhan LepassaarAmazon Web ServicesCybersecurity topics
25/09/2023Juhan LepassaarISC2Cybersecurity issues
11/09/2023Andreas MitrakasHUDSONCybersecurity topics
31/08/2023Andreas MitrakasDHS USOpen-Source Software discussion
26/07/2023Andreas MitrakasVodafoneEUCS Cybersecurity Scheme
24/07/2023Andreas MitrakasAmChamCybersecurity Certification topics
11/07/2023Andreas MitrakasUSA Embassy of AthensCybersecurity topics
23/06/2023Andreas MitakasAEPDCybersecurity topics
13/06/2023Evangelos OuzounisE.DSO/ENCS/ENTSOEEnergy security
08/06/2023Andreas MitrakasDHS USOpen-Source Software discussion
7/6/2023Marco Barros LourencoEricssonCybersecurity R&D
5/6/2023Marco Barros LourencoOrangeCybersecurity R&D
02/06/2023Andreas MitrakasGDVDiscussion on EUCS
02/06/2023Marco Barros LourencoMicrosoftCybersecurity R&D
17/05/2023Marco Barros LourencoCenter for Cooperation in CyberspaceCybersecurity education
11/05/2023Andreas MitrakasDHS USOpen Source Software discussion
07/05/2023Evangelos Ouzounis E.DSO/ENCS/ENTSOEEnergy security
03/05/2023Andreas MitrakasCISAEU - US Cyber Cooperation
02/05/2023Andreas MitrakasEUSPAEUSPA – ENISA collaboration 
27/04/2023Juhan LepassaarINCIBECybersecurity topics
27/04/2023Juhan LepassaarCiscoCybersecurity topics
26/04/2023Andreas MitrakasCEN-CENELECCybersecurity topics
25/04/2023Andreas MitrakasGSMACybersecurity topics
25/04/2023Juhan LepassaarVenableCybersecurity topics
25/04/2023Juhan LepassaarMicrosoftCybersecurity topics
25/04/2023Juhan LepassaarGoogleCybersecurity issues
25/042023Juhan LepassaarPalo AltoCybersecurity topics
07/04/2023Evangelos OuzounisCLDP5G security
07/04/2023Evangelos OuzounisLSEehealth cybersecurity
30/03/2023Evangelos OuzounisiFHPTelecom security
28/03/2023Andreas MitrakasAFMEDiscussion on EUCS
27/03/2023Evangelos OuzounisECUCHealth Security
20/03/2023Marco Barros LourencoCONCORDIA ConferencePanel Discussion
14/03/2023Apostolos MalatrasUS Space ISACENISA and counterparts: Hector Falcon and Mairead Levison
14/02/2023Evangelos OuzounisERJUFollow up call regarding transport security
10/03/2023Evangelos OuzounisLIBEData protection
08/03/2023Juhan LepassaarInternational Telecommunication UnionCybersecurity issues
07/03/2023Jo De MuynckUniversity of GhentStudy visit
03/03/2023Evangelos OuzounisSpace HellasSatellite Cybersecurity
02/03/2023Andreas MitrakasSlovakia CS TeamCybersecurity Act & Certification, peer reviews
01/03/2023Evangelos OuzounisEP AssistantsCRA
28/02/2023Jo de MuynckPwCRisk monitoring
20/02/2023Juhan LepassaarWithSecureCybersecurity topics
16/02/2023Marco Barros LourencoETSI - IQC QuantumSafe Cryptography Workshop
15/02/2023Evangelos OuzounisArsakeio SchoolCareer Day
13/02/2023Juhan LepassaarECSOENISA/ECSO cooperation
97/09/2023Evangelos OuzounisECUC-ENISA exchangeDORA and EU CS (Cloud Certification Scheme
15/02/2023Evangelos OuzounisEBFDiscussion about DORA

Marco Barros Lourenco

Dimitra Liveri

A. Malatras

Campus Cyber (FR)Discussion on general Cybersecurity Topics
07/02/2023Juhan LepassaarDIGITALEUROPECybersecurity topics
07/02/2023Marco Barros LourencoCampus Cyber (FR)Discussion on various cybersecurity topics
07/02/2023Marco Barros LourencoEU LisaDiscussions on Research and Innovation
03/02/2023Evangelos OuzounisKEDISAPossible cooperation with ENISA
02/02/2023Marco Barros LourencoCENTR (Council of European National Top-Level Domain Registries)The Future of the Internet - Research and Innovation Measuring abuse on the DNS infrastructure
31/01/2023Andreas MitrakasXiaomi, TrilligentEU Cyber Resilience Act
31/01/2023Marco Barros LourencoGabinete Nacional de Seguranca (Portugal)Discussion on Cybersecurity topics
27/01/2023Andreas MitrakasASD, Indra, Thales, Airbus, Basesystems, Safran GroupTF Cyber Meeting
24/01/2023Andreas MitrakasBSI, Philips, EC, TIC Councilcoordination call on the EU Cybersecurity Policy Conference 
23/01/2023Evangelos OuzounisEESC CCMIDiscussion about NIS2 and CRA
11/01/2023Juhan LepassaarEricssonCybersecurity topics
10/01/2023Juhan LepassaarTechSverigeCybersecurity issues
16/01/2023Andreas MitrakasHuaweiCertification topics, Huawei activities in Europe

Meetings 2022

DateENISAStakeholdersTopics Discussed
16/12/2022Jo De MuynckG7Senior Officials Extraordinary Forum on Ransomware: Day 2
15/12/2022Andreas Mitrakas, Demosthenes IkonomouESDCCybersecurity topics
14/12/2022Ingrida Taurina, Stefano De CrescenzoUS Chamber of CommerceGlobal Cyber Incident Reporting Principles
14/12/2022Juhan LepassaarNational Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)Cyber Resilience Act and cooperation on standardization
14/12/2022Juhan LepassaarInformation Technology Industry Council (ITI)Cyber Resilience Act
14/12/2022Juhan LepassaarU.S. Department of Homeland SecurityTechnical meeting in preparation of the EU-US Cyber dialogue
13/12/2022Andreas MitrakasNCCA-LUCybersecurity topics
13/12/2022Juhan LepassaarCISACISA-ENISA cooperation possibilities and EU-US Dialogue
13/12/2022Juhan LepassaarPaloaltoVulnerability disclosure and incident reporting
12/12/2022Juhan LepassaarCybersecurity AssociationUS experiences in vulnerability management and incident reporting
12/12/2022Juhan LepassaarCISCOUS experiences on vulnerability disclosure and incident reporting
09/12/2022Evangelos OuzounisERJURail Cybersecurity
09/12/2022Evangelos OuzounisGovernment Affairs Broadcom Inc.CRA and DORA
08/12/2022Andreas MitrakasCCIACybersecurity certification scheme on Cloud services (EUCS).
7/12/2022Stefano De Crescenzo NCIADiscussion on cooperation
30/11/2022Juhan LepassaarCISCOCybersecurity issues
10/11/2022Andreas MitrakasITIITI Roundtable Discussion with ENISA
27/10/2023Jo De MuynckECSO, CISOCybersecurity topics
21/10/2022Andreas MitrakasCall ENISA / EBFCybersecurity topics
25/11/2022Jo DeMuynckKonrad-Adenauer -StiftungKeynote
22/11/2022Stefano De Crescenzo cisaDiscussion on cooperation
20/10/2022Demosthenes IkonomouEU CyberNet projectExplore possible collaborations on capacity building
18/10/2022Evangelos OuzounisATOSCybersecurity topics
11/10/2022Juhan LepassaarDIGITALEUROPECybersecurity topics
29/09/2022Demosthenes IkonomouDelegation of the EU to the USExplore possible collaborations in the context of the International Cyber Security Challenge 2023
28/09/3033Stefano De Crescenzo EU UA Cyber DialogueDiscussion on possible cooperation with UA
27/09/2022Andreas Mitrakas3GPP ETSI-ENISAIntroduction Meeting
19/09/2022Andreas MitrakasAkamai Technologies / ENISA meetingCybersecurity topics
16/09/2022Evangelos OuzounisSYNDEOCybersecurity topics
16/09/2022Stefano De Crescenzo CISADiscussion on cooperaiton
12/09/2022Juhan Lepassaar, Demosthenes IkonomouSpanish National Cybersecurity Institute (INCIBE)Courtesy call
31/08/2022Stefano De Crescenzo and Juhan LepassaarNCIADiscussion on cooperation
24/08/2022Stefano De Crescenzo Meeting online with UA representativeDiscussion on possible cooperation with UA
18/08/2022Evangelos OuzounisDORACybersecurity topics
12/08/2022Andreas MitrakasKing's College LondonRegulating digital finance call
04/08/2022Evangelos OuzounisGENSERICCybersecurity topics
26/7/2023StefanoDe Crescenzo CISACooperation discussion
22/07/2022Juhan LepassaarInformation Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA)Digital Trust and the recent cybersecurity trends in Europe
19/07/2022Evangelos OuzouniseiDASCybersecurity topics
11/07/2022Juhan LepassaarDigital Society Insitute, ESMT BerlinExecutive education on cyber risk management
11/07/2022Juhan LepassaarRecorded FutureSituational awareness
24/06/2022Andreas MitrakasEBFIndependence from non-EU Laws
21/06/2022Stefano De Crescenzo and Jo De MynckNCIAVisit to NCIA SHAPE
20/06/2022Andreas MitrakasCEN CENELECTrusted secure Chips discussion
15/06/2022Andreas MitrakasGSMA5G AHWG
14/06/2022Demosthenes Ikonomou, Stefano De CrescenzoCISAExplore possible collaborations in the context of the international Cybersecurity Challenge
10/06/2022Andreas MitrakasEuropean ParliamentCloud Cybersecurity Certification Scheme - current status
06/07/2022Juhan LepassaarEuropean Cybersecurity Organisation (ECSO)Cybersecurity issues
02/07/2022Stefano De Crescenzo, juhan Lepassaar, Andrea MitrakasMeeting Mauritius delegationIntro to ENISA
08/06/2022Andreas MitrakasHuntonCIPL Roundtable on the Practical implications of the DMA’s data sharing and data combination requirements
03/06/2022Stefano De Crescenzo and Juhan LepassarMeeting UA delegationDiscussion on possible cooperation with UA
30/05/2022Andreas MitrakasSARANational certification framework, European Cybersecurity of Cloud Scheme, 5G certification scheme
24/05/2022Demosthenes IkonomouNational Cybersecurity Authority of Latvia ENISA National Cyberseurity Strategies
23/05/2022Stefano De Crescenzo Jo De Muynck and Juhan LepassarNATO HQVisit NATO HQ discussion on cybersecurity
19/05/2022Andreas MitrakasVenableCybersecurity Certification, NIS 2.0
19/05/2022Andreas MitrakasECBOffline Digital Euro
18/05/2022Evangelos Ouzounis  
18/05/2022Andreas MitrakasLeet Security, SLCertification 
16/05/2022Andreas MitrakasGSMA5G AHWG
16/05/2022Andreas MitrakasCENCertification conference
10/05/2022Juhan LepassaarUK Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Cybersecurity topics
10/05/2022Juhan LepassaarCybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)Cybersecurity topics
10/05/2022Juhan Lepassaar, Stefano De CrescenzoCISACybersecurity topics
29/04/2022Juhan LepassaarNational Cybersecurity Forum of Spain "Foro Nacional de Ciberseguridad"Presentations by the Forum's working groups on their work
25/04/2022Juhan LepassaarFIPRA InternationalCybersecurity issues
21/04/2022Juhan LepassaarTechnology Industries of Finland and Finnish Information Security Cluster FISCUpdate on ENISA activities and cooperation with the private sector
21/04/2022Juhan LepassaarWithSecure (F-Secure)Update on ENISA activities and cooperation with the private sector
13/04/2022Andreas Mitrakas, Evangelos OUzounisAppleCybersecurity topics
06/04/2022Juhan Lepassaar, Andreas MitrakasSiemensCybersecurity topics
04/04/2022Evangelos OuzounisITIdiscussion with ITI on NISD 2 and the role of ENISA
24/03/2022Evangelos OuzounisSBU cybersecurity topics
22/03/2022Stefano De CrescenzoCISADiscussion on cooperation
22/03/2022Evangelos OuzounisEPCybersecurity topics
17/03/2022Evangelos OuzounisEPDiscussion on eIDAs, technical questions about particular articles of this regulation related to cyber security 
16/03/2022Evangelos OuzounisICANNDiscussion on ICANN's projects on the security and resilience of internet, also discussion on EU's initiatives under DNS4EU
11/03/2022Andreas MitrakasZTECertification
08/03/2022Evangelos OuzounisMinistry of Economic Affairs/ Radiocommunications AgencyWorking Group CA@AI
01/03/2022Demosthenes IkonomouNKI HungaryExplore possible collaborations in the context of the European Cyber Security Challenge
28/02/2022Evangelos OuzounisER-ISACCybersecurity topics
28/02/2022Andreas Mitrakas, Apostolos MalatrasSecurityScorecardSecurityScorecard findings on the most recent cyber threats. Discussion on risk assessment and standardisation
24/02/2022Evangelos OuzounisENER-ENTSOE-ENTSOG-ENISACybersecurity topics
22/02/2022Evangelos OuzounisSECURITY AallianceENISA's work on threat landscape and our contribution to NISD 2 and Sectors
15/02/2022Evangelos OuzounisEDPSPrivacy and Data protection
14/02/2022Andreas MitrakasSOGIS SOGIS MC Meeting
09/02/2022Andreas MitrakasDNB-EIOPAUpdate Meeting
04/02/2022Evangelos OuzounisAviation ISACIntroduction call Aviation ISAC EMEA representative - Aviation ISAC, the work of ENISA in ISACs
02/02/2022Andreas MitrakasHUAWEICybersecurity topics
01/02/2022Demosthenes IkonomouIntrasoftExplore possible collaborations in the context of the International Cyber Security Challenge 2023
25/01/2022Andreas MitrakasINNOPAYDigital ID ecosystem in practice
24/01/2022Apostolos Malatras, Evangelos OuzounisGM AFCEA EuropeSupply chain security
20/01/2022Evangelos OuzounisUNIFEENISA - UNIFE discussion on cybersecurity in the rail sector
19/01/2022Andreas MitrakasEurosmartWhite Paper on Quantum computers and ID Proofing

Meetings 2021

DateENISAStakeholdersTopics Discussed
08/11/2024Evangelos OuzounisCISCOEU Cybersecurity Policy

Florian Pennings


Cooperation meeting

03/10/2024Florian PenningsSAPIntroduction meeting
02/10/2024Hans de VriesMandiantIntroduction meeting
02/10/2024Hans de VriesCI-ISACIntroduction meeting
25/09/2024Florian PenningsMastercardIntroduction meeting
25/09/2024Florian PenningsBSAIntroduction meeting with Head of Office
25/09/2024Florian PenningsDigital EuropeDiscussion about cybersecurity cooperation
24/09/2024Florian PenningsITIIntroduction meeting with Head of Office
23/09/2024Evangelos OuzounisCCDCOECIIP
04/09/2024Hans de VriesNASKPreparatory meeting for Polish Presidency
19/08/2024Hans de VriesCheck PointDiscussion about current threats 
09/08/2024Hans de Vries Stefano De CrescenzoPaloAltoDiscussion on current threats on Healthcare
08/08/2024Hans de Vries Stefano De CrescenzoNightDragonGeneral introduction with the CEO
08/08/2024Hans de Vries Stefano De CrescenzoFortinet General threats overview
08/08/2024Hans de Vries Stefano De CrescenzoMicrosoftDiscussion about partnership programme
08/08/2024Hans de Vries Stefano De CrescenzoIBMFeedback on JCDC
07/08/2024Hans de Vries Stefano De CrescenzoElasticIntroduction meeting
07/08/2024Hans de Vries Stefano De CrescenzoCISAPartnership strengthening
04/07/2024Evangelos OuzounisFU BerlinCrisis Management
04/06/2024Hans de VriesAmazon Web ServicesGeneral introduction, information sharing
04/06/204Hans de VriesMastercardGeneral introduction, importance of Mastercard

Juhan Lepassaar

Florian Pennings 

BusinessEuropeCybersecurity topics
27/06/2024Juhan LepassaarDigital EuropeCybersecurity issues
27/06/2024Andreas MitrakasInformation Technology Industry CouncilDelegation Visit to ENISA HQ
01/03/2024Andreas MitrakasOpen Forum EuropeCall on Open-Source Software
28/02/2024Andreas MitrakasBundesverband der Deutschen Industrie e.V.Call on EU Space Cybersecurity Policy
22/02/2024Andreas MitrakasEBPBCall on EUCS
12/02/2024Andreas MitrakasHuaweiCall on EU5G and EUCS
09/02/2024Evangelos OuzounisVDANIS 2
09/02/2024Andreas MitrakasAmCham BrusselsCall on EUCS
08/02/2024Andreas MitrakasEBFCall on EUCS
24/01/2024Andreas MitrakasOracle, Tony Blair Institute, PoliticoEU Cyber Policy Journey Panel
29/01/2024Evangelos OuzounisMoody'sCybersecurity index
23/01/2024Andreas MitrakasIsrael National Cyber DirectorateIntroductory Call
22/01/2024Andreas MitrakasEDPBCall on EUCS

Meetings 2019-2020