Remote Video Identification: Attacks and Foresight

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ENISA in cooperation with the ECATS EG is organising a workshop to support EU requirements for remote video identification.

During the event we will explore and discuss latest national implementations, existing and upcoming attacks, as well as security measures to protect remote identity across EU.

The event will be organised only onsite consisting of 3 main blocks of presentations and discussions followed by a fully interactive section where attendees will be split into teams and asked to provide input.

Getting Ready

Please refer to previous ENISA publications on remote identity proofing as well as the presentations of previous workshop that took place in May 2022:

REMOTE ID PROOFING - Analysis of methods to carry out identity proofing remotely

Remote Identity Proofing - Attacks and Countermeasures

ENISA & ETSI Joint Workshop on Remote Identity Proofing

Follow also the Building the trust in the Digital era: the eIDAS regulation

Target Audience

The workshop is mainly addressed to Member States, EU companies and other public or academic organisations that run or prepare to launch their remote ID solution.


The agenda is available here

Presentations and workshop summary

All presentations made in the workshop can be found here

The workshop summary can be found here