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New Guide launched re: building effective IT Security Public Private Partnerships (PPPs)

A new Guide with 36 recommendations on building effective Public and Private Partnerships for resilient IT security has been launched.

Future Challenges in Network and Information Security

High Level Panel on how Europe's Digital Society can be kept safe for all citizens.

Governor of Crete Mr Arnaoutakis visits the Agency

The Governor of Crete Mr Arnaoutakis met with the Executive Director of ENISA Prof. Helmbrecht to discuss local, current issues.

ED presentation in Council Working Group

The Executive Director Professor Udo Helmbrecht, made a presentation in the Council Working Group today about ENISA, and future challenges in cybersecurity.

Industrial Control Systems (ICS) & SCADA Security Workshop

The Agency arranged an ICS Security Validation Workshop in Barcelona, (16/09). The workshop objective was to discuss the subject of Industrial Control Systems (ICS) protection, including SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems.

Getting the right concept by using the right words: obtaining a common glossary for resilience

A workshop will be held in Brussels on 17th October on ontology and taxonomy for critical information structures, jointly organised by DG Information Society & Media, and ENISA. The objective is to obtain a common glossary to describe…

New report: App-store security– the 'five lines of defence'

The Agency today publishes a new report on app-store security where it advocates for a baseline set of ‘five lines of defence ‘ against malware.

Maritime Cyber Security Workshop in Brussels

Maritime Cyber Security Workshop in Brussels, 28/09.

Prof. Helmbrecht meets Crete's Regional Governor

The Executive Director, Prof. Helmbrecht, met Crete's Regional Governor, Mr Arnaoutakis to discuss current issues.

Czech Cyber Security Strategy for 2011-2015 published

Recently, the Czech Republic's Cyber Security Strategy for 2011-2015 was published.