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WannaCry Ransomware: First ever case of cyber cooperation at EU level

ENISA and several European Member States are currently working together to assess the situation caused by the WannaCry Ransomware at European level.

Visit of EC VP Ansip at the EU cybersecurity Agency in Greece

European Commission Vice-President Ansip visited the EU Agency for cybersecurity at its premises in Athens today 11th May 2017, for a discussion on its activities and future role in the EU cyber security landscape.

ENISA welcomes the publication of the DSM mid-term review

ENISA welcomes the report on the mid-term review on the implementation of the Digital Single Market (DSM) Strategy.

National Liaison Officers meet today at ENISA

ENISA’s network of National Liaison Officers(NLOs) met today, 26th April, in Athens, for an update on activities within the network.

Danish assessment of the cyber threat against Denmark

The Danish Defence Intelligence Service published a detailed assessment of the cyber threat against Denmark.

'Secure the communications of mail servers'- new factsheet by NCSC

The NCSC has published an English translation of its factsheet, ‘Secure the connections of mail servers’.

ENISA wins award for Excellence in innovation-transformation at EU Ombudsman Award for Good Administration

The EU’s Agency for cyber security, ENISA, received the EU Ombudsman Award for Good Administration for Excellence in Innovation – Transformation at the ceremony which took place today Thursday 30th March, in Brussels.

Celebrating #EU60 years of the Treaties of Rome

Events are taking place across Europe for the celebration of the 60 years of the Treaties of Rome.

ENISA 4th Industry event aims to stimulate cybersecurity SMEs and access to funding mechanisms

On 17th March 2017 ENISA organized its 4th industry event in Brussels.