ENISA serves as the CyCLONe Secretariat boosting cooperation among national Cyber Crises Liaison Organisations


The EU-CyCLONe - European cyber crisis liaison organisation network, is a cooperation network for the national authorities of Member States in charge of cyber crisis management. The network was launched in 2020 and formalized on 16th of January 2023 when NIS2 art 16 entered into force.

The purpose of the network is to collaborate and develop timely information sharing and situational awareness based on the infrastructures, tools and support provided by the EU Agency for Cybersecurity, acting as the CyCLONe Secretariat. The services provided by ENISA sustain the effective cooperation needed to respond to large scale and cross-border cyber incidents, attacks and crisis.

The Chair is the representative of the MS currently holding the Presidency of the Council of the EU. The EU-CyCLONe is composed of the representatives of Member States’ cyber crisis management authorities. The European Commission may be included as an active member in cases where a potential or ongoing large-scale cybersecurity incident has or is likely to have a significant impact on services and activities falling within the scope of this Directive. In other cases, the Commission shall participate in the activities of EU-CyCLONe as an observer.

The main tasks of EU CyCLONe are to:

  • Support the coordinated management of large-scale cybersecurity incidents and crises at operational level and to ensure the regular exchange of relevant information among Member States and Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies;
  • Increase the level of preparedness of the management of large-scale cybersecurity incidents and crises;
  • Develop a shared situational awareness for large-scale cybersecurity incidents and crises;
  • Assess the consequences and impact of relevant large-scale cybersecurity incidents and crises and propose possible mitigation measures;
  • Coordinate the management of large-scale cybersecurity incidents and crises and support decision-making at political level in relation to such incidents and crises;
  • Discuss, upon the request of a Member State concerned, national large-scale cybersecurity incident and crisis response plans.

ENISA also supports the organisation of exercises for the EU-CyCLONe members, such as CySOPex (played by officers) and BlueOLEx (played by executives). These exercises aim to identify improvements and potential gaps in the standardised way of responding to incidents and crises (i.e. Standard Operating Procedures). Another objective of such exercises is to serve as training on situational awareness and information sharing processes.