The 3rd consecutive year, celebrating the European Cyber Security Month (ECSM) through-out October, has just been kicked-off in Brussels. The topic during the second week of the ECSM from October 5th- 11th, 2015 is ‘Creating a Culture of Cyber Security at Work’.
The message is also shared at an international level, with the US National Cyber Security Month. In addition, a twitter chat will be held by our US counterparts on Thursday October 8th at 22.00 CET. Follow the chat on #CyberSecMonth or #ChatSTC.
Launching today!
An ‘Awareness Calendar’ is launched today for use in organizations and users all over the world. A common effort, from all participating partners: US National Cyber Security Month, ITU and the European Cyber Security Month by ENISA with many partners from the Member States.
Join a Cyber Seminar in Athens on 6th October!
Join the “Cyber Security education seminar: innovation” taking place at ENISA on 6th October. For the agenda and details please visit the dedicated webpage here.
Given its position, ENISA is active in the area of education and awareness, using its knowledge to promote NIS skills and supporting the European Commission in enhancing the skills and competence of professionals in the area. This seminar continues work from previous activities by inviting stakeholders to meet and share best practices.
The seminar is organised with educators for educators. The primary targets are professors and trainers that have daily activities in NIS education. Secondary targets are innovators in the field of technology and policy-makers.
Background: European Cyber Security Month (ECSM) is an EU advocacy campaign that promotes cyber security among citizens and advocates for change in the perception of cyber-threats by promoting data and information security, education, sharing of good practices and competitions. The European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA), the European Commission DG CONNECT and Partners are deploying the European Cyber Security Month every October. Metrics: 30 countries involved in the initiative in 2014, displaying an increase from 2013 with 24 countries participating.
European Cyber Security Month: during October, find out how to be safe online
October is Cyber Security Month! Follow #CyberSecMonth #ENISA
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