On 7 November 2017, Prof. Dr. Udo Helmbrecht, Executive Director of the EU Cybersecurity Agency ENISA, reiterated the importance of cybersecurity in Europe in a public hearing in the European Parliament on ‘Security challenges and best practices…
Safe printing: a forgotten link
Printing – the ‘forgotten’ security link to safeguard business assets. EU Agency ENISA launches report on ‘Secure Printing’
ENISA, the EU Agency for European Network and Information Security, launches its report on “Secure Printing’ with…
Focus on National Cybersecurity Capabilities: New Self-Assessment Framework to Empower EU Member States
The EU Agency for Cybersecurity issues a National Capabilities Assessment Framework (NCAF) to help EU Member States self-measure the level of maturity of their national cybersecurity capabilities.
Cybersecurity Skills Conference: Strengthening human capital in the EU
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) presents the progress in the implementation and adoption of the European Cybersecurity Skills Framework (ECSF) at the 2nd edition of the European Cybersecurity Skills Conference.
Summarising the Maritime Cyber Security Workshop
The Agency arranged a Maritime Cyber Security Workshop in Brussels (28/09//11) to discuss national and European initiatives, standardisation and regulation initiatives, including various challenges.
Industrial Control Systems (ICS) & SCADA Security Workshop
The Agency arranged an ICS Security Validation Workshop in Barcelona, (16/09). The workshop objective was to discuss the subject of Industrial Control Systems (ICS) protection, including SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems.
ENISA & European Schoolnet -new prize for teaching of online safety in schools
For the 10th eLearning Awards, European Schoolnet and ENISA, the European Network and Information Security Agency, announce a new prize category called "Teaching online safety and citizenship".
Prevention is the cyberdefence for hospitals
The EU Agency for Cybersecurity publishes a Cybersecurity Procurement Guide for Hospitals. Healthcare IT professionals have a new instrument in their toolbox.
Virtual Worlds - Real Money
Multiplayer online gamers ‘soft target’ for cybercriminals - EU Agency report warns.
Serious real-world money locked up in the 1.5 Bn Eur virtual goods market is leading to a wave of malware threatening ca 1 Bn users worldwide. The EU Agency’s…
Determining the real economic impact of cyber-incidents: A mission (almost) impossible
Today ENISA publishes a systematic review of studies on the economic impact of cyber-security incidents on critical information infrastructures (CII).