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ENISA poster campaign with children of Heraklion

European cybersecurity agency, ENISA dropped in on Heraklion's School of European Education, to talk cybersecurity with children from the primary classes, and distribute posters. The posters are aimed at children aged 5 to 11, and offer them top…

ENISA General Report 2012 is now available

ENISA has today (30th May) published its 2012 General Report, containing details of the Agency's work and achievements during the year.

Security leader visits ENISA

European Cyber Security Month - building together a joint EU advocacy campaign!

The first Coordinators' Meeting for the European Cyber Security Month (ECSM) 2013 will take place on Monday 27th of May at ENISA's premises in Athens. The meeting will focus on getting to know this year's participants and sharing best practices…

ENISA - celebrating Europe with Heraklion

Europe’s cyber security agency, ENISA is issuing an invitation to all, to join the festivities at the city of Heraklion’s Europe Day celebrations in the Venetian Loggia this Saturday (18th May) between 11.00am and 2.30pm. The event is organised…

Happy Europe Day, from ENISA!

ENISA wishes everyone in the EU and everywhere a Happy Europe Day!

Cyber Security Discussed

ENISA’s Executive Director, Professor Udo Helmbrecht hosted an informal visit from Dr Johannes Dimroth of the German Federal Ministry of the Interior. Dr Dimroth is a lawyer with the Federal Ministry and deals with IT security.