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Online security: it’s in your interest! 1st European Cyber Security Month coming up in October

In October 2013, the first fully-fledged European Cyber Security Month (ECSM) will take place all over Europe.

ENISA at the TREsPASS project

ENISA’s Head of Core Operations Department, Dr Steve Purser is on the Advisory Board of TREsPASS, attending its meeting in Tallinn, on 4th September. TREsPASS stands for Technology-supported Risk Estimation by Predictive Assessment of Socio-…

The Future of Identity

In-depth interview re: the 2012 cyber security incidents report

In-depth interview with Christoffer Karsberg regarding the 2012 cyber security incidents report.

New major incidents in 2012 report by EU cyber security agency ENISA

The European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) today issued a new report providing an overview of the major outage incidents in the EU in 2012. The aggregated report shows that out of the 79 incidents reports, almost 40% of…

EU Minister’s Informal Justice & Home Affairs Ministers’ meeting, Vilnius 18-19/07

The EU’s cyber security Agency ENISA attended the informal Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) Minister’s meeting in Vilnius, 18-19 July, 2013, where cyber security was a key matter to discuss.

European Cyber Security Month - ENISA ED Austrian media briefing

ENISA Executive Director, Professor Udo Helmbrecht, today (11th July 2013) took part in a special media briefing on the forthcoming European Cyber Security Month (ECSM). The event was organised in Vienna by Digital Austria - the coordination and…

ENISA organising 2nd International Cyber-crisis Cooperation & Exercises Conference

On 23-24 September 2013 ENISA will organise the 2nd International Conference on Cyber-crisis Cooperation and Exercises in Athens, Greece.

Cyber-security collaboration agreement between ENISA & European standardisation bodies, CEN and CENLEC

The European Union (EU) agency, ENISA is supporting the development of standards for products and services in cyber-security by signing (9th July) a collaboration agreement with two of the major standardisation bodies in the EU - the European…