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European Cybersecurity Month 2020 ‘Think Before U Click’ kicks off today

This October marks the European Union’s 8th European Cybersecurity Month (ECSM), promoting online security among EU citizens. The annual cybersecurity awareness campaign is coordinated by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) and…

Blue OLEx 2020: the European Union Member States launch the Cyber Crisis Liaison Organisation Network (CyCLONe)

The second Blue OLEx 2020 kicks off, alongside CyCLONe which will push forward the Commission’s Blueprint for rapid emergency responses for large-scale, cross-border cyber incidents or crises.

Cybersecurity in Healthcare: Online Conference Series to Address Sector’s Key Cyber Challenges

The EU Agency for Cybersecurity and the Danish Health Data Authority Kick Off European Conference Series on eHealth Security.

Ninth ENISA-EC3 Workshop on CSIRTs-LE Cooperation: standing shoulder-to-shoulder to counter cybercrime

On 16 September 2020, the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity, ENISA and the European Cybercrime Center, EC3 organised the 9th annual workshop for CSIRTs – in particular national and governmental (n/g) CSIRTs – and their LE (law enforcement)…

Leadership from ENISA and FORTH further talks on Cybersecurity Collaboration

The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity visits the Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas in Crete to discuss framework of research projects and events.

European Cybersecurity Month: How to Get Involved

October 2020 EU cybersecurity awareness campaign open for event submissions.

OTT Security & Resilience: ENISA Launches a New Survey

Survey to identify the risks, mitigation measures and COVID-19 factors affecting Over-The-Top communications and collaboration services across the EU.

Report on the EU 5G Toolbox Implementation by Member States Published

Today, the European Commission and the German Presidency of the Council of the EU released the report on the progress made by the EU27 in implementing the EU 5G toolbox measures and strengthening safety measures. The European Union Agency for…

A billion user hours lost in EU telecoms due to security incidents in 2019

The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity publishes the 9th annual report on telecom security incidents.

Survey to Explore the Preparedness of EU SMEs for Cybersecurity Challenges

Survey on cybersecurity challenges for SMEs: A review on how businesses in the EU are preparing for and coping with cyber threats.