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Underpinning software security: the role of the EU cybersecurity certification framework

The EU Agency for Cybersecurity publishes a study on existing approaches for secure software development and maintenance while highlighting aspects to be considered under the EU cybersecurity certification framework.

Earning Trust: ENISA on eID and Trust services

eID: Extending the role of ENISA

ENISA publishes a Tool for the Mapping of Dependencies to International Standards

The EU Agency for Cybersecurity publishes a tool to map international security standards to interdependencies’ indicators.

Supporting the fight against cybercrime

The map to the road less traveled: CSIRTs & Law Enforcement cooperation

Call for Expression of Interest – CAMSec Experts Group

The EU Agency for Cybersecurity calls for Experts to join the ENISA Connected and Automated Mobility Security Experts Group

Tips for cybersecurity when buying and selling online

The EU Agency for Cybersecurity has developed 10 tips for SMEs and citizens to stay secure when buying and selling online.

APF 2020 postponed

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Annual Privacy Forum 2020 (APF 2020) will take place in October 2020.

Tips for cybersecurity when working from home

The EU Agency for Cybersecurity shares its top tips for teleworking in times of Covid-19.

Call for Expression of Interest: Experts Group in Artificial Intelligence Cybersecurity

The EU Agency for Cybersecurity calls for experts in Artificial Intelligence Cybersecurity.