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The European Cyber Security Challenge encourages young people to pursue a cyber career

The 2020 edition of the European Cyber Security Challenge (ECSC) will take place in Vienna, Austria between 3 and 7 November.

Call for Expression of Interest - eHealth Security Experts Group

The EU Agency for Cybersecurity launches this call for participation with the aim to invite experts to join this expert group that focuses on eHealth Security.

“Stronger Together” Cyber Europe 2020, get involved!

The EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), is pleased to announce that the Cyber Europe 2020 (CE2020) exercise will focus on the theme of health.

Do you know who is who in EU cybersecurity?

The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity publishes the EU Cybersecurity Institutional Map to depict the roles, responsibilities and tasks of EU Institutions and EU Groups in Cybersecurity.

Standardisation and the EU Cybersecurity Act

The EU Agency for Cybersecurity publishes two studies related to the domain of standards supporting the Cybersecurity Act and the new Cybersecurity Certification Framework.

Cyber Threat Intelligence Community Bonding event

The second ENISA Cyber Threat Intelligence conference organised with the support of the European Commission took place on 30 and 31 January in Brussels.

The EU Agency for Cybersecurity endorses the EU Toolbox for 5G Security

Yesterday, the European Commission endorsed a set of measures to mitigate cybersecurity risks related to the rollout of 5G networks. The European Commission also set out a number of next steps, to implement the toolbox. The EU Agency for…

Good practices under the National Cyber Security Strategies

We promote member states innovation in cybersecurity through national cybersecurity strategies.

Securing Personal Data: a risk-based approach

To mark Data Protection Day 2020 on 28 January, the EU Agency for Cybersecurity launches an online platform to assist in the security of personal data processing; this platform implements a risk-based approach to personal data security as a means to…

Security supervision changes in the new EU telecoms legislation

ENISA, the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity analyses the main changes for telecom security supervision under the new European Electronic Communication Code (EECC).